.Where It All Began.

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"It would be ill fitting to start this story at the end. Though, it would wipe away any need for the in-between and leaving you sat there like I am right now, completely and utterly lost...most of all, betrayed. Betrayed by what, you ask? I think to answer that question, I must start where I hadn't wanted to.

The Beginning.

The day was like any other, seemingly pointless. I mean, as pointless as it could be to an eight year old. My days were consumed with school, homework and playing outside with my friend, Cal. He was an odd character, though even at this age he was the softest goofball I'd ever come across. Me? Well, I was quite closed off to the world. I had my fantasies and I held them close to my chest. I reckon if it hadn't been for this boy, plodding over to me two years ago asking if he could smell my smelly gel pens, I'd have been alone. So, when I said friends, I meant that ever so loosely. My friends were that of Cal's, I could tell they disliked me. It wasn't some childish fear, I noticed their faces drop and the whispers towards each other whenever I was around. That and the fact months later I heard Ray express this feeling in the boys locker room.

"Jake? you ready?" my mother called out, the wildest smile across her face. She always wore this after I'd asked her for one of her stories. To me, that's all they were, pointless made up stories but later I'd come to know they weren't.

"I'm coming!!" eight year old me slipped and slid throughout the house, the halls guiding me from where I'd just heard her voice. My socks had zero grip on the hardwood floor beneath me, probably the wrong choice to wear the fluffy socks my grandmother had gotten me for Christmas right about now- though, the need to be extra comfortable outweighed the risk.

It wasn't long before I plodded over towards my mother, her having already gotten comfortable in our usual spot. It wasn't anything special, just a reading corner she had created for me when I was much younger. Blankets, so many blankets. One covering our heads, patterned with moons and stars that was lit by a sheer rainbow light that softly moved throughout all the different colors. The whole room would flood with each one, creating a gentle glow that most of the time, would cause me to drift off- even in the middle of her stories. "I'm here mummy, can you tell me more about immortals?" I had questioned her often on this, finally settling myself in between her thighs where my small body fit just perfectly. Sometimes she'd greet me with a sigh, obviously annoyed that such a small boy was so infatuated with souls like this? Today, wasn't one of those days.

"Well, alright, since you've done your homework and I can't really think of anything else anyway-"

I settled back further, laying my head on her familiar features, so comfortable. Even the smell of her perfume would linger, stinging my nostrils from how strong it would was. Memories I would cherish for all eternity.

"Long ago-"
"How long?" I interrupted excitedly.
"A very very very very long time ago" she giggled in reply, swiping some hair from my face as she looked down toward me. Her eyes connected with mine, the love and adoration obvious. Though, there was always a block I could never quite understand. Before I'd get too trapped in it, I nodded, awaiting more.
"There were people, just like you and me. In every way, they appeared just like us- two legs, two arms, ten fingers, ten toes.... " she paused, as if she was searching for some information but it was merely seconds, a flash of an emotion in her eyes that an eight year old couldn't distinguish.
"Though these people were just like you and I, they were completely different. You see, before the earth was knew. There were souls. Souls everlasting. These souls were searching for something, they had searched and searched until finally.. one day, when came man. They need not search any longer" another pause came, though this one was to simply swipe another strand of hair from my eye-line, shooting her son, her everything, a smile of the purest love.

"They found man, you see? They realized that the only way to continue to survive was to adapt. By adapting, they morphed into our kind. These beings, were known as the immortals. There had been tales after tales of them, each one different. Though their beginning was always the same. There was a time when they lived among us but those times, sweet Jake, I fear, are coming to an end."

"What do you mean? where did they do?!" I questioned, a frown crossing over my small features as if it entrapped them harshly.

"There are people out there that believe eternal life is meant for the rich and powerful. Then, you have those that believe, these souls, are here to harm us. Alien if you will" she gave a smile yet again, almost in an attempt to calm me.

"You see, Jake, no one knows the real reason behind these souls or why they exist and with that.. comes fear."

She was right. 

There is so much fear, yet, eight year old me had no idea of what was to come.  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2019 ⏰

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