Chapter Nine: Paint Wars, Gourmet Meals, and Trust Issues

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This chapter looked to be about three pages, so I decided to add in the next two episodes of Total Drama (10-12). Why you ask well I'm trying to finish this story as I want to start Action. Anyways I hope you all enjoy.

Skylar's POV
        I was woken by Chris with his stupid helicopter and I groaned and got up. I saw Duncan hiding under a bunk bed and laughed...I don't think juvie treated him too well. I started walking towards the bathroom and I saw Gwen standing there uncomfortable. "What's up with you?" I asked. "Your second girlfriend, Heather looked the bathroom." She whined and I looked at her and she grunted. "I'm going lumberjack style." She yelled and then ran off into the woods.


Rolls eyes "second girlfriend"

Gasps "second girlfriend...Heather." Growls

"Skylar...haha no, he's hot, but" 


           I kept making my way to the bathroom to take a shower, when I saw Bridgette. I smiled and waved she crossed her arms and I looked at her confused to why she was upset with me, from the time before. I walked over to her. "What did I do this time?" I asked with a small sigh and she grunted. "It's not what you's what someone said." She explained and walked away from me sadly. Fucking Gwen, rage grew inside of me. "Everyone, please assemble your way to the campfire pit!" Chris said over the loud speaker.  Whatever today's challenge is, it better be good.


            "Paint ball!" Chris yelled, and I smirked looking at the guys, but then shooting a look at Gwen basically telling her, I was going after her. Chris explained something about deers and only shooting them, and I swear if I'm a deer I will lose it. "So the Killer Bass hunters are Harold, Geoff, Bridgette, and Skylar." Chris said throwing us paint ball guns. I smirked and loaded my gun while looking at Gwen in the corner of my eye.

            "For the Gophers shooting orange will be... Owen, Beth, Lindsay, and Leshawna."Chris said as he started giving us hats and glasses and I smirked. "The rest of you...are deer you will be wearing antlers, a nose, and these fluffy tails." Chris said and Duncan crossed his arms. "There's no way I'm wearing that!" Duncan yelled and Chris laughed and put the antlers on him along with the nose. He then pushed the tail on Duncan and I saw Owen started intimidating him and I looked over at Gwen and pointed the near her. "Chill Mr. Egoistical." Courtney said and I pointed it at her. "Not try me right now Courtney...unless you want that shirt in a shade of blue." I threatened and my whole team looked at me.


Laughs "What did I do to piss Prince Charming off?"

"Second girlfriend"

"Talking to Lindsay is like an eggplant."


            Fucking them a head start. I saw Bridgette moping over the challenge and I saw Harold try to help her out and I pushed him. "They aren't deers, you could go for Heather." I said and she looked at me. "Wait...Heather's a deer?" She asked and I nodded. She put the glasses on her face and walked in towards the the woods. I type of girl. The rest of us walked into the forest.


             I was running after Gwen. I was shooting and she took a sharp turn and ran into someone. I looked and it was Heather. She was yelling at Beth, Leshawna, and Lindsay. I started shooting not caring who I hit. I saw Bridgette, Geoff, and Harold join in and then challenge ended.

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