Chapter Two.

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"SYDNEE" Calls out Matty, one of my main guys from the front of the bus. He races down to the back where i'm sitting, and I stand to bear hug him, I'm not usually a hugger, but Matty, he's a pretty good hugger, so it's kind of awesome when I see him. "Missed ya, Matty the fatty" I grin and ruffle his slight mohawk, I've called Matty that name since we were kids who could barely talk. he was a chubby kid, but since then, he's really thinned out, he's tall, too. I sit back down and schooch my hooch over for him. I'm feeling better already and I turn off my music, sticking the headphones into my rucksack. "Missed you too, Hastings." he says in all seriousness, he was grounded all summer, so we didn't get to hang out, which sucked ass. I loved the bus rides to and from school, all my boys catch my bus, so it's really just an hour of silliness and fun and games. Next stop was Alex's. he hopped up the stairs in a quick jump, then did a 360 turn at the top of the stairs, tipping his beanie to the bus driver, Jack. "Sup Jack my main mack" he laughed and shuffled to the back of the bus. He high fived first me, then Matty before sliding in beside us. "How's it going Syd?" he half smiled and raised an arched eyebrow at me. I grabbed his beanie and held it jokingly out the window. "It's great, but it's a little windy outside ain't it?" I tease, dangling the beanie dangerously out the window. "He grabbed my arm lightly and yanked it in by my sleeve and hooked his other arm around me in an attempt to grab the dishevelled hat. "Fail X!" I laugh and throw his beanie to the front of the bus where some twig bitch picks it up. "Oh ALLLLLEXXXX" she called in a high pitched brat tone. "HEEEERES YOUR HAAAAT" she cat called and stood up tottering to the back of the bus, where she is the most unwelcome, EVER. Alex grabbed the beanie from her and muttered a thanks, and she went on her way to the front seat again. "you, my dear Sydnee, shall pay for that" he half smiled and flipped the finger at me, I flipped it right back, it's second nature to me. "Oh X, you know I won't pay, I don't pay for anything." I laugh and lean back in my seat. A few more giggling girlies got on the bus before he did. He, being the leader of our little gang, he, being my best friend and me being his, HE, being the secret dream guy for me. He, has a name, almost as stunning as him. Alden. "Yo Sydnee!" he called before calling out to Matty and Alex. "Alllllllllllll" I half shouted, high fiving him and pointing him toward the seat directly beside me. He sits and grins at us. Jesus. that smile could stop a truck. If I was driving it. But fuck, I ain't got a chance with him, we're best mates and he'd never see me as anything other than one of the boys, and I knew that, but boy could a girl dream. Only a few more stops until the other lads joined us, but in the meantime, the four of us belted out old rock ballads, only stopping to laugh breathlessly and eat. Then Nick and Braxton got on, completing our little tight group. "Brax! Nicko!" we called in unison like tiny kids. "Hey guys" they said in sync. They joined us at the back for another hectic half an hour of belting our rock songs, then we arrived at school. Fuck. 

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