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The sound of the ocean slowly and peacefully brought me to awareness. I stretched and winced as some water splashed over my face. The taste of salt was almost heavenly. When I finally opened my eyes, my tail startled me. I was no longer Celestial, I was Rán, goddess of the sea. Mermaid in the water, then I grew legs on land. Why did I choose to be mortal again?

Then it hit me; Steve. That man was something else, I tell you. He managed to win me over in both lifetimes and he didn't even know it in the one.

The pebbles on the beach I had been sleeping on were starting to irritate my back. I shifted and lifted my tail out of the water. The iridescent purple scales on my tail started to disappear and within seconds, I had two legs. I wiggled my toes and smiled.

"There you are."

The voice startled me. I was on my feet faster than anything and immediately had a trident in my hand. Where it came from, who knows.

"Whoa there. Calm down, Rán."


"Yes. The almighty. How are you feeling? You were out for a few days."

"I feel fine, thank you."

"The Avengers gave you a proper Norse burial so you came back to the sea like you'd never left."

"Thor, why do I want to go back?"

"You were in love. Love does things to you. But there will be another time. But for right now, we're late."

"Late for what?"

"The feast in your honor."

"What did I do?"

"Oh it's not what you did. Now come, it's time to alert the Asgardians that the lost goddess has returned."

(1)The Avengers: The Lost GoddessWhere stories live. Discover now