I've been in Massachusetts for a year and a half. I've been bettering myself with every single day that passes. Currently, I live in Salem, MA near the ocean, but I work mornings at the aquarium and afternoons at the science museum in Boston. They are very flexible because they think I'm a college student. In all reality, I still work for Shield. None of the Avengers know that I work as a spy.

Every morning, I wake up and go to my roof deck to drink a cup of hot cocoa and watch the sun rise. After I finish my hot cocoa and the sun has fully risen, I stop at the patisserie on my way to the train station. Then I'm on my way to work.

Today, I would be training the penguins and helping the children feed them. When I showed up at work and punched in, I started making my way to the penguin exhibit when one of my coworkers stopped me.

"Celestial, we need your help with the seals."

I sighed. "Again? Stop upsetting them, Claire."

She rolled her eyes. "That's funny. But seriously. Hurry up because they're getting pretty rowdy."

I followed her to the seal exhibit. Everyone had suffered the loss of one of the oldest seals we had in the exhibit. She was getting old so it was her time, but that didn't make it any easier for any of us or the seals for that matter.

There was one day I had Over the Rainbow stuck in my head and had been humming it all day. Well, turns out, seals love that song. So for the past week they've all been in despair at the loss of the old seal and somedays are worse than others. It sounds stupid, but I sing Over the Rainbow to calm them.

We could hear their commotion down the hall. Claire picked up the pace and we went through the employee entrance to get into the actual exhibit. I had my wetsuit on, so I slipped right into the pool and slowly swam up to the deceased seal's pup. He was thrashing around, crying so loudly spectators covered their ears.

"Hush, buddy," I whispered as soothingly as I could.

I reached my hand out and patted the little guy's head. He looked up at me, still crying. I felt stupid, about to sing Over the Rainbow to a seal, but if it helped him, I guess I didn't mind.

So I started singing, my voice echoing around the pool and carrying out to the viewing area. The seal slowly started to calm down and even snuggled up to me. I laughed a little as he nestled into me. We floated around the pool together, gathering all of the other seals as they listened to my voice. Everyone, even my coworkers, stopped to listen, smiling slightly as the little pup hiccuped as a stray sob escaped his body.

When I finished the song, everyone cheered and the little pup went back to happily swimming and playing. I hoisted myself out of the pool and squeezed out my hair.

"I'm off to feed the penguins."

"Thank you, Celestial," Claire said.

I spent the rest of the day helping children feed the penguins, telling visitors about our large turtle, Myrtle, and leading tours around the whole aquarium. After my shift was done, I quickly dressed in regular clothes and hopped a train to the science museum. I ran in five minutes late, clocked in, then almost ran right into my boss.

"You're late, Celestial."

"I know. I had to get across the city."

"Don't let it happen again."

"Aye aye, captain," I mumbled to his back as he walked away.

My job at the science museum was actually in the planetarium. Basically all I did was press some buttons, tell everyone not to go on their phones, and start the show. Easy.

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