"I can't believe I'm at the Mayor's ball!" I tell Steve, looking around the huge ballroom.

"It's fascinating, isn't it?"

I walked in with the rest of the Avengers. The mayor invited them personally which I thought was pretty cool. Upon walking in, Steve dismissed himself to go thank the mayor. So I stood alone, waiting for him to come back and watching as he shook the mayor's hand.


My blood froze. I turned around to face Ariel. "Hey, what are you doing here?"

"I'm the mayor's son's date. I told you about this."

That's what I was forgetting. "Oh yes, I'm sorry. I've been working extra hours and I think it's finally getting to me."

She crossed her arms and asked her date for some privacy. I nodded at him as he passed.

"What are you doing here, Cel?"

"I was invited by the guy I was telling you about. He is around here somewhere..."

Suddenly, she grabbed my arm and pulled me outside. The wind was cold against my bare arms.

"What are you really doing here?"

"I told you. If you wouldn't have pulled me out, you could've met my date."

Her face changed as it finally dawned on her.

"You're with them, aren't you?"


"Don't act dumb. You're here with the Avengers, aren't you?"

I looked away from her prying eyes.

"I know you've been with them. Extra hours, that's bull. I followed you once straight to their base. Why do you lie to me?"

"I'm sorry, Ariel. But I can't talk about it."

"Who did you come with?"

"You already know."

"No, who's arm did you come on."

I looked at the ground. "Steve."

"Steve Rogers? As in Captain America?"

"Yes that Steve Rogers. What's the big deal?!"

She sighed. "I am going to tell you this only once. I hope it can get to your brain and stay there because I do not want you getting hurt."

I braced myself for the worst. Ariel looked at the ground for a moment before looking me in the eye with some difficulty.

"Celestial, Steve Rogers has had a lifetime to love. You're 22 years old and haven't even had a boyfriend yet. Your first boyfriend shouldn't be a guy who is over a hundred years older than you. Please don't do that to yourself."

"You speak as though you've said this before."

Her cheeks turned red. "No, that's not it. I'm just tired of saving you from guys."

"Saving me from guys?! If I remember correctly, every guy I've ever liked, you've turned around and slept with them because I don't put out." Okay, I'll admit it. Not my finest moment.

"Don't you see I was protecting you? Obviously all they wanted was someone who put out."

"God, what is your problem?"

"Celestial, please. Just think of it this way. What would your dad think of you dating a man that much older than you?"

I took a step down to the marble step below me so I was the same height as Ariel.

"Don't you dare bring my dad into this. If I'm happy, he would be happy. He would love Steve. He's sweet and polite and cares about me."

"Because he was raised in a different time! Don't you see that? The here and now is much different than the 1940's."

Her eyes glanced to a spot just over my head. She shook her head and pushed past me. "I'm sorry, Celestial."

I turned around to see all of the Avengers standing watching me. My gaze landed on Steve to see him avoiding me.

"I'm going to go get my things then go home," I mumbled. "I think I've overstayed my welcome."

No one said anything as I left. So I went back to the Avengers base and started packing my things. But I couldn't bring myself to leave. What Ariel said doesn't mean anything, why was I worrying about it making me look like a bad guy? I just got the Avengers back on my side!

Before I could think about anything else, there was a knock on my door. I told them to come in and I was graced with Steve. He came and sat on the bed beside me and sighed.

"I'm sorry you and your friend got in a fight," he finally said.

"It's okay. We get into fights all the time."

"Yeah but I'm sure it's never over a one hundred year old man."

"Yikes. You heard all that, huh?"


"I'm really sorry."

"It isn't your fault. But...Celestial, I think she's right."

I looked up at him, speechless.

"It isn't fair to you," he continued. "I feel as though I am being rather selfish. I do care about you, Celestial. And you're so, so beautiful. But you deserve someone your age, who will always be there for you."

I couldn't even protest. Somewhere deep down I knew it wouldn't help me. So I stood up and grabbed my suitcase.

"If that's what you wish."

"We'll have that first dance one day."

I smiled at him. "Possibly."

I left what was once my room and ran right into Tony. He had his arms crossed, looking down at me.

"I knew you couldn't handle the Avengers."

I glared at him. "I can't handle the Avengers? Do you hear yourself?"

"First bit of toughness and you're out. Your poor love story didn't work out with the Cap so now you're fleeing."

"You act as though I want to leave. I'm leaving because I'm hurting Steve. I never want to be the reason he is hurting. Besides, seems like the Avengers are the ones that need me right now."

"We need you?! We've been fine without you for how long?"

I ignored him and started walking away when Tony said something that made me stop hard.


I turned around slowly. "What did you say?"

"You, are weak."

"And you're an asshole."

And I walked away without saying another word.

A car took me home where I hadn't been for a week or so. I walked into the apartment and it really hit me that I was actually alone now. The Avengers didn't want me, I didn't necessarily want Ariel around right now, and my dad was actually gone. For the first time since his death, I actually stopped pretending like he was going to come out of his room and hug me.

Movement in the corner stopped me. I crouched back against the door and stared hard into the dark. The lamp flicked on and I saw Ariel sitting on the couch.

"I hope you've come to drop off the key. If you haven't lost it again," I said, relaxing slightly and leaving my suitcase by the door.

"I'm here for you, Celestial Freya Rivers."

(1)The Avengers: The Lost GoddessWhere stories live. Discover now