Nobody said anything for a while. The god of Mischief struggled in Thor's grasp but there was no way he was getting away. I stood up, very conscious of the fact that I was wearing shorts and a sweatshirt which made it look like I had no bottoms on at all.

"Celestial, meet Loki, god of Mischief," Freya said, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

" killed my father, didn't you?"

My mind was whirling. I'm not quite sure how he did it because I know I saw my mother, but deep down I just knew it was him.

"It was my pleasure, princess."

A blush crept up into my face. He was kind of good looking for an asshole. But I pushed that thought away and advanced on him.

"Why on Earth would you kill him?"

He shimmered right before my eyes and suddenly I was looking at two goddesses.

"Loki, quit," Thor growled.

He shimmered again and suddenly my dad was standing in front of me. I stumbled on my advance toward the god and fell to my knees. My head felt like it was spinning, but it got worse. He shimmered again and he was my father still, but the way he was after Loki stabbed and killed him. A knife stuck in his heart, blood dripping around the blade. I almost lost what was left in my stomach.

"Loki!" Thor tackled him, causing the mirage to shimmer and fade until the dark haired god sat before me again.

Steve came to me then, wrapped his arms around me and held my head, stroking my hair and hiding me from the image.

"So that is what you saw?" Freya asked.

I could only nod. I was afraid if I opened my mouth I'd throw up.

"Don't worry, my dear. We will be taking him back to Asgard where he will rot in prison for the rest of his years," Freya assured me.

"An eye for an eye, am I right, brother dear?" The mirage of a knife in Loki's heart was shown. Thor glared.

Then everything stopped. Steve's grip on me turned cold and hard and I couldn't feel him breathing anymore. I looked up and met Loki's eyes.

"What did you do to him?"

"Don't worry, I only froze time. I wanted to have a chat, you and I."

"There's nothing to talk about. You killed my father and I want you dead."

"Oh, darling," he all but purred. "I know everything there is to know about you. You wouldn't dare kill me with the knowledge I have of your past."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Try me, princess."

His calm demeanor and the stupid smirk that he always seemed to have was really making me angry. His eyes sparkled with rage.

"I suppose my fun has to end."

And then Steve was breathing again, I could feel his heart beating hard against my ribcage. But no one seemed to notice that they had stopped breathing for a solid two minutes.

"Take him now, Thor."

Thor and Loki left, leaving my mother still standing in my entryway. She looked around and seemed to analyze every surface of the house.

"Well, I'm sure you have many questions. Do you have any tea?"


My mother and I sat on my deck, drinking tea and looking out to the ocean. I had asked everyone to stay inside because I had a feeling this was going to be a rough conversation.

"I've missed you, Celestial. You're so grown up and successful. Your father would be proud," Freya finally broke the silence.

"I know. I miss him."

"I know you do. He was a wonderful man."

"You know, I lost so much time with him because I was arguing about you. I hated you for leaving me, leaving him. He was so in love with you it made me sick. I hated you for so long. I wasted my time and my breath on you.

"Worst of all, I kind of hated my dad for being in love with you. I needed a mother figure. All the girls at school made fun of me because I didn't know how to shave, I didn't know what a period was, I didn't know how to do my own hair and I didn't really have a sense of style. My dad tried, he really did. But I wish he would've forgotten about you and moved on.

"He was in love with you and you just left us. Most days were fine, but other days he stayed in bed and didn't want to do anything. It broke my heart and I hated you for having no worries in the world about it."

I took a deep breath that came out shaky as I tried to hold in my tears.

"I know, I know darling. But you have to understand it wasn't my choice. I had to come back because I have a kingdom to rule. But you're wrong, I did worry about both of you. And I loved him so much. You have to believe I didn't want to leave."

I didn't know what to say after that. I had said what was bothering me.

"I love you, Celestial. With everything I have. Your father loved you even more."

"I know."

"Well, you must have a bunch of questions about the whole goddess thing."

"Yes. How is this possible?"

"As a goddess, you made the choice to become mortal. I just helped you along. You can only become a goddess again when you pass away as a mortal.

"The first time, when you met Captain America, you passed during the war. You decided to help fight in a little side war that broke out and you passed a hero. This is only the second time you've been mortal and you are very powerful."

"Why can't I be a goddess again?"

"You are needed here, Celestial. Your powers, they're going to help."

"With what?"

"I can't tell you that. A prophecy, made centuries ago, declared you a hero. I cannot say much more, but you are going to change everything."

"So what happens after I die?"

"You wake up as the goddess Rán. You can start over if you'd like."

"Do I remember anything from my past life if I become mortal again?"

"No. That's the tough part."

"So I won't remember my dad?"

She cringed. "No."

"But you will?"

"Of course."

"And you won't stop loving him?"

"I never could."

"Good. Because he deserves at least that from you."

"I know you're angry, Celestial. And I am so sorry for everything."

"You're right, I'm very angry."

"I'm going to give you time to think everything over," she stood from her chair and took her cup. "I love you, Celestial. Never forget."

And then she was gone. I took a few moments to calm down, then went back into the house. Everyone looked at me like they were expecting me to say something. But I quietly put my cup in the sink and turned around.

"Let's watch the new Footloose. I think you'll like it, Quill," was all I said.

(1)The Avengers: The Lost GoddessWhere stories live. Discover now