I woke up in an unfamiliar room. The room was white and there was a large window overlooking the city. I've never seen New York City from this high up.

Then everything slowly came back to me and my emotions started to build. But I remember that's what got me knocked out so I forced them down.

"Ah, you're awake. About time. Twelve hours later."

I frowned at Tony Stark.

"Yeah. Where's Ariel?"


"My friend. The one who forced me to go to the square. Is she okay?"

"I think she's the least of your worries. I need you to come with me."

I looked at him for a second before getting out of the bed. I was wearing some new clothes that I had never seen before. But they looked good and fit me. Mr. Stark led me down a few hallways. On the walk, I tried to apologize.

"Hey, I'm sorry for being snappy with you. I just don't know what's going on and I was panicking."

He glanced at me sideways. "You move a lot when you sleep."

I frowned but was too speechless to say anything. Was he watching me sleep? Also, the least he could've done was acknowledge my apology. Instead, he silently guided me into a large room filled with the rest of the Avengers. He went and sat down while I awkwardly stood there with all of the Avengers watching me.

"Hey, I'm Nick Fury but you can call me Fury. How did you sleep?" the manasked me, coming to stand in front of me.

"Uh...fine I guess," I mumbled.

"That was quite a stunt you pulled out there."

I looked around Fury at Captain America. He smiled a ghost of a smile. Everyone looked so different in person.

"You know, the cops are looking for you, the FBI, CIA. I think we're the less dangerous ones here. So, who are you, what are you?" Fury asked, crossing his arms and leaning against the table.

"I don't know," I finally said.

"You don't know who you are?"

Tony chuckled before covering it with a cough. Anger rose in me, but I pushed it down. I could feel myself shaking, and everyone else noticed. Black Widow held a gun, Captain America had his hand on his shield that was sitting by his feet, Thor gripped Mjölnir tighter.

"I'm not dangerous," I said, scratching my arm, hoping they weren't really as red as I thought they were.

"We just need to know who you are," Fury assured me.

I looked at everyone once again. "I'm Celestial Rivers."

They all watched me without a word, so I continued.

"I don't know what that was last night. I just saw Thor stuck there and...and..." I had to take a huge breath. "This is not the first time this has happened. Not quite on the large scale it was on last night, but it has happened. I don't know what I do to trigger it, I don't know what it even is, I just know how I feel, and what happens after I stop feeling."

I was just as confused as everyone looked. Well, I had nothing else to say so I left the floor open for literally anyone else.

"Well it's clear that your emotions build up and you just...explode," Fury said, scratching his cheek.

I sat on the floor with my back to the wall.

"You turned red just now. What did you do to stop it?"

I laughed humorlessly. "I think of a trip my dad and I went on a few years ago. It creates a sense of longing rather than sadness."

I trailed off, biting my lip and looking at a spot on the floor. My lip biting stopped as I noticed everyone was on their feet. My body was red and I was steaming. Suddenly, I felt embarrassed. So I calmed down.

"Anyway, that's how you control it? Why not do that every time?" Fury asked, taking a deep breath.

"Hey, with all due respect, Eye Patch, it's a lot easier said than done."

I don't think he liked being called that, but since I was still a little red, I don't think he dared challenge me.

"Miss Rivers, we need you to do us a favor," Fury said, standing to walk to the opposite side of the table.

I looked at the rest of the Avengers and saw Tony roll his eyes. I glared at him.

"Don't tell me we'll have another color changing Avenger? No offense, Banner," Tony said with a smirk.

"None taken," Bruce mumbled.

"That's not was I was going to say, Tony. As I was saying, you need to go back to your life, and forget about everything you've seen and done. You need to control your outbursts, you need to never speak of this."

"Yeah? And what about when the cops, and the FBI, and the CIA come after me? What do I tell them? Aliens, right?"

"Leave them to us. We will take you home and you will not hear from us again. And vice versa. Do I make myself clear, Miss Rivers?"

I bit my lip again but nodded. "Deal."

So they took me home. Fury and Natasha were the only ones that came with me. They left me alone in front of the Chinese restaurant. Just before I went in, Mr. Chang, the restaurant owner stopped me, blaming me for the garbage sitting in front of his restaurant.

It wasn't me. It had never been me. So I told him that...in Chinese, much to his surprise. I left him in the street staring at me with his mouth open.

When I opened my door, I came face to face with Ariel. Her hands were on her hips and she was staring daggers at me.

"What in the hell was that?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Like hell you don't! Answer me."

"I really don't."

"Celestial, you blew up Times Square then passed out. I watched the Avengers freeze you with whatever that guy was using, then Thor picked you up and flew away with you."

"Well I don't know. I woke up alone in the hospital."

Her eyes flicked down to my wrist, looking for a hospital band.

"Also, why were you stupid enough to run out and help a god?"

"Honestly, I had stopped at the bar before coming home. I wasn't myself and I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry."

"Let's just forget about it. We have other matters to attend to."


"Seriously, Cel? The Halloween party? We went and picked out our costumes last weekend."

"Oh...that's right."

So I spent the rest of the day trying to forget about the Avengers, and trying not to dread this upcoming party.

(1)The Avengers: The Lost GoddessWhere stories live. Discover now