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Karlie woke up late and rubbed her eyes.

The idea of Taylor already up hit her and she rushed to put on her clothes.

She ran to Taylor's room and found the bed already made.

Karlie walked to the kitchen and just saw mom.

"We thought you died" the mom laughed.

"Ha...ha" Karlie laughed sarcastically, "where's everyone"

She grabbed a cup of orange juice and warm bacon.

"Your dad went into town with uncle. Taylor ate then went to the barn" she read said holding the morning paper.

Karlie got excited that Taylor was already down at the barn.

"Thanks mom, love you" she ran out
Thirty Minutes Before

Taylor was woken by the crack of dawn and the roosters call.

It was different waking up in a different house that wasn't her own.

She looked around to situate herself and got up.

Taylor found her clothes she wanted to wear and put it on.

"I wonder if Karlie is up" she thought

She opened the door and walked to Karlie's room and opened the door slightly.

Karlie was our cold.

"I'll leave her alone" Taylor decided and went downstairs after closing the door quietly.

"Goodmorning Taylor!" The dad greeted.

The grownups were eating getting ready to eat breakfast.

"So how was it? Have you gotten used to the room?" The mom asked.

Taylor told her "I like it, it really is similar to my room I had."

"That's great, we are gonna be heading into town today for some errands so I won't be around. In the meantime you should see Bambi and have some fun." The dad said and got up.

Taylor sat and got a plate of breakfast for herself.

The dad and uncle walked out and started the car which faded out.

Taylor finished her plate and walked down to the barn.

She opened the door and Bambi was already waiting.

Taylor walked in and closed the door behind her.

"Why hello you remember me?" Taylor kneeled down with Bambi.

Bambi started sniffing Taylor and pushing his head against her.

"You must be hungry lemme get some hay for you" she got up and walked to the hay closet.

"Today I'm gonna take you for a walk around the track okay?" She gave him some hay and got a larger amount for his mom.

Taylor let Bambi eat his hay and got the reigns for him.

She opened the rope and Bambi got frightened.

"Hey hey hey it's okay" she calmed him with a pat on the head.

"This is so you don't get lost and I'll take care of you okay?" Taylor assured him.

Bambi calmed down and stood still. The object in her hand was new but he saw it wasn't a threat anymore.

Taylor opened up the rope again and slowly put it over his head.

"I need you to Trust me okay? I'll trust you if you trust me" Taylor whispered.

She lowered it and tightened it over his head and ears.

"See that wasn't so bad, now let's go for a walk"

Taylor pulled slightly and Bambi followed her lead.

They walked out the door and on to the track.

The two went at a steady pace walking.

"You see this track, your gonna be seeing it a whole lot" Taylor said,
"we may be slow now but soon we'll be flying across the dirt."

Bambi felt the dirt in his hooves and it was soft. He got used to it and started enjoying every step.

A distant voice was heard "Goodmorning"

Taylor turned her head and saw Karlie.

"Look who decided to finally wake up" she smiled

Karlie hopped the fence and got to Taylor.

"Sooo what's happening?" Karlie wanted to know

"We are just getting our first walk around the track. I want to show him this before anything else." Taylor explained.

Karlie looked at Bambi and he was calm and happy walking beside Taylor.

"Wow your really good" Karlie said.

"Ha well thank you. I think anyone can lead a horse" she smiled.

Taylor looked at Bambi.

"But this just isn't any horse, it's Bambi." she reminded Karlie

Although it was the first time being in the track.

It was the beginning of a great legacy.

-I've been really busy doing my classes. I suck at English because it ain't my first language but I'm doing my best at my class. Anyway hope everyone is doing great, I will find time to finish this because I love this story and I have so much more to tell! :)

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