Morning Duties

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The rooster crowed across the farm before the sun gazed over the mountains. The beautiful morning sky illuminated the with fire.

Karlie opened her eyes and groaned up.

She always had morning duties of feeding and checking the animals but this time she wanted to because it meant she got to see Bambi.

Karlie got on her jeans and button up then walked downstairs.

"Good morning mom" she grabbed some bread and drank some orange juice.

"Good morning darling, going to see Bambi?" She asked.

Karlie took a cookie and carrot  then put it in her shirt pockets,

"Yep and I got a treat for him" 

She walked out and headed to the barn. Before she attended Bambi she had to feed the chickens and sheep.

Then she fed the sheep dog before heading to Bambi.

The doors to the barn opened and Karlie walked in. Bambi came out of the stall to greet her.

"Aww well good morning Bambi, I've got a treat for you"

She took the carrot and cookie out then gave it to Bambi to eat. She gave a nice slice of hay to Grace as well who just walked out from the same stall.

Karlie stood and watched Bambi eat the sweets then went to join Grace.

Uncle came and opened the barn doors

"He's sure getting bigger, alright well I'll empty the stalls while they eat"

He grabbed the wheelbarrow and shovel then walked in the stall.

Karlie asked Uncle

"Hey where did dad go?"

A reply came from the stall

"I think he went into town to find that trainer he was talking about last night"

Karlie was curious who he would bring back, then she remembered that it was a woman.

"Hey uncle? Dad said the trainer was a she? Right?"

"Yep I don't know of many trainers that are woman especially Jockeys so she must be one of a kind."

Karlie tried to imagine what she looked like. Maybe a brunette with bangs?

Uncle interrupted her day dreaming

"Truth be told...I don't know if your dad is making the right pick. You see in all the years there has never been a female winner in these races especially the top three triple crown. And if your dad chooses her as a trainer then for sure he would want her as a rider"

Karlie had to ask

"Why is that? Why hasn't it happened"

Uncle tried to not sound rude

"I just think it's not meant to happen. It takes a lot of strength to hold that horse at those speeds...and well ladies like you can't lift a hay bail."

Karlie looked at one of the hay bails once he said that.

"Now that didn't mean your heart ain't strong as well" he assured

Karlie smiled

"But truth be told your dad is taking a big risk if he chooses that girl he mentioned" he finished cleaning the stall.

"Well Karlie we just have to believe and have faith everything's gonna be okay. Maybe I'm wrong so don't take my two cents for anything I said"

Karlie got the reigns for Bambi and put it across his face.

"Okay uncle I won't, I'm gonna go take Bambi across the track" she led him out.

Karlie was walking at a nice slow pace for Bambi so he could maintain his balance.

"Bambi your gonna be great!" She told him.

"Now listen, there's gonna be a new person coming and I don't want you to be scared, okay? I don't know when but be prepared"

Just then she heard the car coming down the road and went up the house.

Is she here already? Karlie thought to herself

She stopped in her step looking at the house trying to see from the track.

Her dad got out of the car and went around and opened the trunk.

On the passenger side she saw the door open and her heart stopped.

She prepared Bambi but not herself.

A beautiful blonde stepped out of the car

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