Perfect I Am Not

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He says to me
"You are perfect"
And I don't have the heart to tell him
That - no,
I am not perfect

I am the remote with
One dead battery
That you slam against the coffee table
A little too hard

I am your coffee cup in the morning
Warm to the touch - almost too warm
With a crack starting to
Splice the side of your favorite mug

I am your left shoe
That you tossed back in to the closet
When you couldn't find the right one

And I am still your left shoe
When you pick me up
Thinking I am the right one

I am a fruit fly
Buzzing around your head
You swat away at me
But like paranoia I am always in your ear

I am that creaky floorboard on the stairs
That you always try to avoid
But you step on it anyway
And always at 3 am

I am the leaky faucet
That continues to drip
Long after you've fixed me
Because the real problems always lie way deeper

I am a pile of laundry
That you forgot lay on your bed
When all you want
Is to desperately go to sleep

I am a vending machine
You pay in compliments
To buy love and confidence
But I reject them - awkwardly
Spitting them back out like
Wrinkly dollars

You see, I am many things
But perfect,
I am not
But he never needs to know

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