"Well I'm sorry Miss but I can't just be giving the information out."

"I am Mr Ryan's personal assistant, and I won't ask you twice. Tell me who cancelled the order?!" I hear moving around and mumbled until a man who sounded order answered.

"Manager speaking, how may I help you." I rolled my eyes.

"I never asked for a manager! This is the last time I'm asking before I sue the company. I demand to know who cancelled the Ryan Industry Order for today's Masquerade Ball. I am his personal assistant. Don't talk to me about some bullish!t that you can't tell me because you can. I was the one to make the order so now I demand to know who fvcking canceled it!" I could feel my face get hot.

"Alright ma'am please give us a minute to get the information for you." Two minute later the man comes back on the phone.

"It says here that an employee cancelled it. Reasoning was that they were hired as chef for the party so they didn't need the order anymore." I groan, I already knew who it was.

"Next time you make sure the person who made the call is the only one to cancel orders, disgraceful company work." Not waiting for them to speak I hang up.

"Ms Queen they need help downstairs bring up all the stuff they bought." I sigh in relief knowing they were fast with the shopping like I said to be.

"Alright, whoever is not doing anything super important. I need you go downstairs and help them bring the things up. Nothing is to be dropped or smashed understood." Everyone nodded.

Taking some peoples spot to finish what they were doing, they go downstairs. In no time everything was brought up and finished on the floor.

"Alright, everyone who is not suppose to be working in the kitchen can head home. If your a waiter for tonight make sure you get a good nap before coming. There's a long night ahead of us. Go on now." Most people started to head off. I then remember something.

"Hey you" I say stopping someone. They look at me afraid. I just laugh. "Don't worry your not in trouble. But before you head home please go into the kitchen and ask Milly to come here. You can let her know she's not in trouble either." The guy nods and leaves.

I go outside and take a cup of wine that was left out for me earlier. I wait for Milly. I hear someone clear their throat and I look back. It was Milly, her clothing were all dirty with food. "You called for me?" She looked nervous.

"Did they not tell you that your not in trouble?" She nodded. "He did but I still get nervous when my boss calls for me." I smile at her sweetly.

"It's alright Milly, don't be nervous. Anyway I called you to ask you for everyone who's in the kitchen that helped get everything. I said I would be paying everyone double and I'll be keeping to my word. Even if it's from my own money. You all deserve it." Her smile turned so bright and nodded.

I hand her a paper and pen I had in my back pocket. Taking it she writes down the names. "Don't forget the last names. If you can't get everyone just make sure to get to come to me to get their names." She nodded and continued.

Once she's done she hands me the paper. "Some don't have the last name but that's most of them. I'll let the people who's last name and name all together you need." I nod okay.

"Thank you so much Ms Queen, you have no idea how much I need that money."

"Don't thank me, I should be thanking you and everyone else for being so helpful."

"May I know who was the one that cancelled it?" She asked cautiously.

"They didn't say their name but I'm certain I know who did. It must have been the event planner that I hired yesterday for not doing her job right." she looked at me questionably.

The Girl and Her Breaking Heart #1 || ✔Where stories live. Discover now