Part 17 Ball - Halloween Special

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Hello readers! Hope you had a good Halloween sorry this is late! I've been studying for a test and I'm sick and like coughing real bad lol, anyway let's get this chapter started!

I'm so confuse right now

Ayato: " why are you guys here?!"

Carla: " we moved next door"

It soon started getting loud that I couldn't even hear myself

Karlheinz: " everyone, quiet down"

Karlheinz: " it would seem that the children are the future child the Adam and Eve will have, but they are only spirits right now since they haven't been born yet"

Reiji: " but if they are the future child of the Adam and Eve then why are they here now?"

Yuki: " we're here to speed things up, a conflict will soon hit"

I then heard some sobbing

I turned around and saw Karlheinz tearing up.

Lydia: " what the?"

He started anime crying, waterfalls falling out of his eyes

Everyone was surprise

Karlheinz: " I get to have grand kids "

The king was crying in front of us

-.-" I guess even vampires has this kind of personality


After the maids cleaned all that water

Karlheinz asked us to go to a ball hosted by one of his friends on Halloween night

I heard a knock on the door

Lydia: " come in" I said

It was one of the maids

Maid: " we've prepared your dress for the ball "

Lydia: " ok you can just set it on the bed"

Once she left I went to put on the dress

It was a royal blue dress short sleeve dress, and had black lace designs on it.

I went to my mirror and put make up and curled my hair.

Once I was done I went downstairs

Everyone was formally dressed, the girls


On the way there I notice the car was quiet, usually it would be noisy but it wasn't, maybe because it was Karlehinz.

When we arrived at a mansion I could tell it was an all vampire ball.

We went inside the house and it was the most prettiest place I've seen.

• • •

There was food everywhere !!

I decided to eat a bit

After I ate I decided to walk around a bit

Ayato: " what are you doing by yourself?"

Lydia: " technically I'm not by myself "

Ayu peeked out from behind of me

Yuki: " what's going on?"

I heard Yuki say calmly, with Ruki beside her

Soon there was argument on who I was gonna dance with.

Ayato and Ruki kept on grabbing me

Shu and Shin just arguing

Just then I felt a presence

I turned around and saw a person with long, purple hair but then when I blinked it was gone

Ruki: " something wrong?"

Lydia: " no it's nothing "

In the end I took turn dancing with the four of them


I decided to walk outside to get away from them

As I was walking, I felt someone grabbed me and covered my mouth

Don't tell me I'm getting kidnap?!

I could tell it was a man, of course I am a vampire too but he was much stronger

He used spell and I blacked out


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