"He is not perfect for me. We're not even together. Nothing happened" I said seriously

"Well you two were feeling something." Paige said picking up her paint and filling in her picture.

"If you didn't see what I saw then you're blind chica." Paige rolled her eyes and rolled her neck and we both bust into laughter.

"I'm going to bed I have to work tomorrow" I said still giggling wrapping myself in my covers.

"Do what you have to do Sheilah. But I have to finish this painting so lights stay on tonight." Paige said but, I didn't hear her I was already drifting off to sleep.

All night I dreamt of Chase. It was the most restless sleep I've ever had because I kept waking up in a cold sweat with my heart rapidly beating. Why was he having this affect on me?

When my alarm finally went off I rolled over in bed to see Paige still asleep in bed. I walked over to her bed and shook her awake

"Paige. Get up. You're gonna be late for school"

"I don't wanna!" Paige wined like a baby and covered her head with a pillow.

"Then pick your major today and then you'll be out before you know it" I argued. Paige has been in school for four years now. Her scholarship would cover her for as long as she needed so she decided to be a sophomore for the past three years. This way she wouldn't have to pick a major.

"But, I don't know what I want to be." Paige said emerging from her bed. This always made her get up. She slowly shuffled to the bathroom.

"Oh I made something for you. It's on the table" Paige said before making it to the bathroom.

I went to the table and saw Paige's beautiful picture. It was me. From the neck up. My hair was lopsided and my face was serious. I looked empowered and strong. Things I'd never seen in myself. on the back of the picture was the title "Sheilah in Love"  Was this what I really looked like last night? Paige was an amazing artist and I don't know why she never pursued it.

When Paige finally put on her face we were on the rode. She had to go school but we got up early so she could drop me off at work. My car was in the shop for repairs since I wrecked it.

I've always been a terrible driver. I don't know why could never get the hang of driving. Last week I ran into a pole because I miscalculated a turn. Long story short, my car will be in the shop for a while.

"Call me when you're ready." Paige screamed as she speeded off.

I was nearly an hour early for work. I stopped at my locker and peeked at today's chart. I'd be working at table 12 today in an hour. Maybe I can start work now and help out whoever's at the table now. I headed towards the game room that was almost completely empty.

When I got to table 12 I saw the dealer that was on the clock. She had fiery red curly hair that was in a messy bun on top of her head. Her face had freckles scatter across it. And she was in a deep sleep. Her head was leaning on her hands and she was snoring lightly. The poor girl had the night shift and had been on the clock from 12am to 8am. I sat down next to her hoping this would wake her up but it didn't.

"Um, excuse me?" I said. No use she was knocked out. I tapped her on the shoulder and her eyelids flew open and she grabbed her deck of cards and started deal.

"You wanna play?" she asked me. Before I could respond she started talking a mile a minute "Just give me a second to shuffle. Oh, and please don't tell anyone you saw me sleeping. It's not my fault you would not believe the hours dealers have to work." She put down an 8 and a 4 in front of me. "Hit or hold?"

"No you don't understand. I work here." I responded. Her big green eyes filled with fear.

"Oh my gosh. You're from upstairs. Look I'm so sorry that I was sleeping. I just dosed off for a minute please don't fire me" She plead. I chuckled.

"No you really have it wrong. I'm a dealer I'm here to take over your table." I said placing my hand on her shoulder to calm her down. Her face relaxed when she finally understood. She checked her watch.

"But, it's only 7:15 the next dealer doesn't come in until 8"

"I know I just figured you can get off early. I'll cover for you" The red-head smiled at me with grateful puppy dog-eyes.

"That's soooo sweet." She said smiling "I'm Iris" she said with her hand extended.

"Sheilah"  I said taking her hand. "I just started her last week''

"Cool. I've been her for a few months and the night shifts are killers" She said. I smiled at her youthful attitude.

"Anyway I'm gonna get out of here before I fall asleep again. She you later Sheilah." She said as she bounced out of the game room.

This shift was much quieter than my last. It was 3:50 and there had been no problems yet. I'd be off in 10 minutes and I couldn't wait. There was currently no one at my table and I was already planning my exit. I'd texted Paige and as soon as she got here I'd be gone.

I would've left early but someone sat at my table and I instinctively began dealing. I put down two cards.

"Hit or hold?" I waited for an answer that I didn't receive. "Hit or-" I looked up and realized why I wasn't getting an answer. It was Chase. He looked absolutely handsome in his short sleeved button up shirt. He gave me a big grin.

"Chase. Hi. What are you doing here?" I asked surprised. His smile faded away.

"Sorry I just thought that you weren't busy and we could...." he trailed off, "I don't know just talk." My heart nearly broke.

"No no no. I'm sorry I was just surprised to see you. Of course I want to talk we're friends right?" I said cheerily smiling.

"Yea" he smiled back at me "We are"

"Your shift is over" interrupted the new dealer. Chase and I made our way into the lobby.

"So... What you doing tonight?" I asked spontaneously.

"Nothing... You?" he asked hopefully.

"Well Paige and I are going to a theme party that this guy she likes is throwing and I don't really know anyone that's going other than Paige. She'll probably be too occupied to talk to me anyway. It'd be nice if a friend could come with me." I hinted.

"Of course. What kind of theme party?" he asked.

"A luau"

My phone started ringing. "Hold on" I said answering my phone.


"I see you working it sexy" Paige laughed. I looked out of the front window and there was Paige sitting in her car. Chase followed my eyes and saw Paige and waved.

"I gotta go. See you at 7" I said skipping towards the car giddily.

Making the Worst of a Good Situationحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن