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how they act when they have a crush on you


- very flirty
- opens up to you in private
- if asked about it she gets very defensive and denies it
- blushes alot but won't let anyone see


- gets super awkward
- alot of weird hand movements
- only tells bow and glimmer and has them promise not to tell you
- them shipping you h a r d


- "pffft a crush??? on her?? nooo"
- literally makes it so obvious
- always with you
- her, bow and adora making secret plans on how to ask you out


- has already told his dads all about you
- them begging him to bring you over
- tenses up when you're around and avoids you
- you thinking you did something wrong


- has never had a crush
- her thinking something's wrong with her
- makes you soup
- catra teasing her for not realizing her feelings


- has a literal statue of you
- she makes you flower crowns and bracelets
- compliments you alot


- you're just her ride or whatever
- when someone only mentions your name she gets all defensive and ready to attack
- acts like she despises hanging out with you but enjoys every second
- "ughh i guess i'll see you tomorrow"


- hugs, hugs and more hugs
- admires every move of you
- always watching you in awe

sea hawk

- writes songs for you
- even attempts to build you a ship but you know,,,, that didn't work out
- proudly showing you off
- you mean more to him than his ships

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