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"I tend to put him to bed at 9:30 with his sleeping medication because he tends to wake up a bit during the night" Mrs. Min spoke as she showed Jin the medicine in the cabinet.

"Oh, would you mind sleeping over to watch after him? I don't know when I'll be back but knowing you would be here would lift some weight off my shoulders" Mrs. Min spoke again as she lead Jin down the stairs to the main area where Yoongi was.

"I'd be glad to! Is there a guest bedroom I could stay in?" Jin questioned as he watched the little boy stare from the sofa.

"Ah Jin, I trust you to sleep in the same room as Yoongi-Bear, he adores you so I think he'd rather have you in his bedroom as well" Mrs. Min smiled, looking through the window when a 'honk' was heard.

"Well, I'll get going now, so have fun boys and no funny business okay?" she raised her eyebrows and pointed at Jin who just chuckled.

"No worries Mrs.Min, have fun!"

As soon as the door shut, Jin made his way to the sofa and sat next to Yoongi.

"Hello Love" he shot a wink at the younger.

The younger stayed still but blushed furiously.

Jin snickered.

"Is Yoonie shy?" he gently moved his hand towards Yoongi and placed it on his thigh.

"There's no need to be shy darling. Now, come give me a hug" he smiled.

Yoongi blushed but slowly got up to hug Jin.

Jin smiled then softly pulled the boy close to him, putting him on his lap.

"I missed you." he murmured.

Yoongi whimpered then pushed his head into Jin's chest.

"I guess that means you missed me too?" Jin pulled away and looked into his eyes.

Yoongi avoided eye contact and fiddled with the hem of his shirt.

Jin smiled and looked towards the kitchen.

"Come, what do you want to eat?" he got up from the sofa and made a gesture with his hand which made Yoongi get up and follow him.

Jin pulled out a chair and smiled at Yoongi as he slowly walked over.


The boy sat imediately which made Jin feel weird.

A good weird.

"I'm a pro when it comes to cooking, so there's probably nothing you want that I can't do.

He looked around and grabbed a food magazine and handed it over to the smaller.

"Here, look through this."

Yoongi looked through before pointing at a picture.

Soy Sauce Crab.

"Okay, well, I can't do that because-" 

He stopped and opened the fridge to look for some crabs.

"there are no crabs in the fridge, but you do have chicken so what about Samgyetang?"

Yoongi sat still for a moment before nodding his head.

"Perfect! I'll get started, do you want to watch a movie or anything while I cook?"

Yoongi smiled and got up, then stopped.

He immediately sat back down and stared at Jin.

Jin tiled his head, then nodded.

"You... You can go Yoongi, it's okay" he smiled gently and walked to the younger.

He gently combed his fingers through his hair then pat his head.

"Go watch your movie, I'll call you when I'm done."

Yoongi nodded and made his way to the living room.

So pure.

🍑。*・゚゚☆・。.h e l l o 。☆・゚゚*・。.🍑

i'm so sorry for not updating, i can't keep my promises. life always throws things in my way that are not easily avoidable :(

 life always throws things in my way that are not easily avoidable :(

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We love you Mina, stay stong lovely ♡

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