“Mrs. Cole. You’ re—peeing!” I closed my eyes, feeling the assistant's hand on my shoulder as she gave it a small squeeze. I took a deep breath, blowing it out my lips, fighting through another contraction.

“That’s not pee, Charity,” I said through gritted teeth, grinding them to dust from the pain searing through every nerve in my body. My fingers held a death grip on the metal railing beside me. Trying my hardest to keep my voice from screaming on live T.V.

“Oh--oh no!” She basically shrieked, taking a horrified step back from me.

“Charity,” I said through a strained voice. “Go to the green room, get all our things packed, and,” my knees buckled under the strain of the pain of yet another painful contraction. My body screaming at me for drugs, the good drugs at the hospital that could take this all away.

“Just pack our vehicle and for the love of God, do not pull him off the stage!” I looked over at her, the veins bulging out of my forehead like a monster. Which is sure what I looked like? An angry, pain-ridden, monster!

She stood there frozen, clipboard in hand, and her brown eyes as big as saucers. “Charity!” I hissed again, which seemed to knock her out of her haze.

“Yeah—yeah!!!” She said getting onto the mic attached to her and ordering everyone to pack our gifts and belongings from the green room and transported it to the car waiting for us below.

I took a deep breath, momentarily relaxing as a contraction passed and left me to stare at my handsome husband.

There he was none the wiser, looking as charming as ever talking about his newest book, the 7th in his series. His biggest accomplishment yet, a movie deal in the works for every single book he had written. Or will write. He charmed the pants off the Today Shows anchor with his twinkling eyes and a spiffy new suit. And here I was, slowly dying in labor with twins.

Thanks to switching birth control and not accounting for the week in between, I fell pregnant. And not with just one—oh no, when C.J. fucking Cole knocks you up, he does it well. Twice in one fucking. Damn my ovaries. Damn his impressive little swimmers. Damn these never-ending contractions! Damn it!!!

“Mr. Cole, I am personally so excited to dive into your latest book, just like all your fans outside. But I hear something more exciting is on the horizon for you and your wife?” She smiled at him and he set his book down on the couch.

“Well, if you can imagine something more exciting than this, my wife and I are expecting twins in a month’s time.” He beamed with pride at the mention of me, but the twinkle in his eye sparkled more at the mention of the babies.

It’s something we talked about after we got married. We wanted kids, but I told him how afraid I was. I didn’t want to turn out like my mom. I didn’t want to fuck my future kids up. He assured me I would be fine. He assured me I would love our kids with all my heart despite my upbringing. And although finding out I would have twins terrified me to no end. I did it for him. For me. So we could start our family together.

NOT A MONTH CAM, NOW. I really wanted to yell at him. But my eyes must have said more. Or maybe it was the way my face reddened as more pain shot through me. Or maybe the vein protruding from my forehead gave it away. Because when he locked eyes with me. Even if I was shadowed in the audience, he shot to his feet in a panic.

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