Chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to Proff, Amc, Judey

I'm sorry for not uploading D: School, xbox, and Tumblr have been quite a distraction. I'll try to upload a new part once a week. Just BSing it half the time. To all my current readers, I loveth you :3


P.S. I'm a bit hyper. So it may turn random at any given moment :3


About an hour after finding out that Meg was bi, I was outside. Roaming campus, I looked around. I hadn't noticed the little coffee cart that said on the top, 'Starbucks' till just now. I was like a little kid in a candy store when it came to coffee.

Coffee, is like heaven. No, not the shitty hot coffee. The good kind? Iced. Iced caramel anything is good. Well, besides any fruit flavors. Fruit is a no. Definite no. Lattes? I've only had a caramel mocha latte iced from Dunkin Donuts, so I don't know about anywhere else. Frappuccinos are like. Amazing. Icy goodness in a cup.

I walked to the line, and smiled. I could smell the coffee from twenty yards away. I know. Addicted, right? I noticed it was long, and whined. At least a good five or six people ahead of me. I pulled out my iPod, and began to play a game.

Before I knew it, I was in the middle of getting a new high score on Robot Unicorn's Heavy Metal app, when I heard the cashier make a noise to get my attention.

I flushed, and looked up and appologized. "A caramel mocha iced coffee, extra caramel, extra ice, and extra cream please?" I asked slowly, so the cashier person would get it. He looked at me dumbfounded and asked me what I wanted about three times before he finally got it right.

I paid, and waited for the coffee to be made. I tasted it. It was too coffeeish. Of course. Only a few people could make one that actually tasted tollerable. And for now? McDicks on a good day. 


After walking a good twenty minutes and sipping my iced coffee, I decided to sit down and play my game under a tree. That was, till I saw Lilly and of course, my brother. Of all people.


What the hell does she want to do with that jackass?

Well, being I hated my brother and was still hurt by him ignoring me and acting oblivious to whom I was, I walked to the opposite side. After about five minutes of walking, I had walked up a huge hill. It was kinda on campus, but apparently behind the campus, there was a foresty type area. I never expected that.

I sat down a few feet in, and decided to pull out my iPod. After loading the book I was reading on Wattpad, I smiled and began to read. It was a romance, and quite good at that.

After about maybe an hour, I didn't even hear anything or pay attention to any other part of the world. I was sitting in the 'criss-cross-applesauce' type position that they forced you to do in Kindergarten. I had been leaning onto a tree, before I moved my iPod into my lap. I was hunched over, reading. My hair had even fallen down into my face and I didn't care.

Suddenly, I felt a poke at my side. I flinched, and fell over, trying to get away from the mo-.

I took one look at him.


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