What is stopping you, Yue? It's just one year earlier. She asked herself countless times. Their careers are stable, their agencies respect their choices of work and they have established a huge local and international fan base since Meteor Garden 2018. Then, Yue realized. Nothing. There should not be anything that would stop her. She was just getting cold feet of what might happen if they went public.

After she internalized the matter, Yue decided to weigh the possibilities and consequences of their decision. I cannot jeopardize his career. He worked hard for this. In the next few days, she consulted Yang-jie and a few close staff in both their agencies.

"Yue, Dylan has spoken to us. We have analyzed everything for him and gave him the green light. It's just you."

"He did?"

"Yes, he had done all the necessary arrangements and even consulted Director Zhang. But he told us that he will not push you into doing something you are not ready to."

Yue could feel her emotions overwhelming her. Her eyes started to well up.

"Yue, he's waiting for you. At least let him know your answer. Either way, we love you both and will support you." Yang-jie hugged her. She had become her family member over the decade, taking care of her work and personal affairs.

"You are right. Didi is my life. I cannot let him go again." Yue said firmly.

She pulled away from Yang-jie. "I know what to do. Can you help me arrange a phone call? I need a favor."

The music of Happy Camp from the recording studio pulled her back to present.

Yue took the ring out and slipped it to her left ring finger. She took a deep breath and pumped her fist in the air ala Dylan-style, "Shen Yue! Jia you! Ni chui pang!" (Keep going, you are the best!)

Just then, Xiao Liang popped her head in "Yue-jie, I have your water here. Do you want it now? 'Cause He Lao Shi wants to see you now before the next segment starts."

"Lead the way, Xiao Liang. I'm ready."


"Let's us welcome our mystery guest, Shen Yue!!"

Shen Yue saw Dylan's jaw dropped immediately. She had purposely donned her dress and heels in their fandom colors. As she neared where he stood, she smiled at him. Dylan's eyes widened and she could not help but chuckle a little. I should do this more often, she thought.

"Welcome Shen Yue!" said He Jiong. "Thank you for joining us. Didi, are you surprised?"

"Yes....yes extremely surprised. Shen Yue, you are sneaky." he said, turning to look at her.

She laughed. "I could not tell you. Mystery guest, remember?"

He Jiong then nodded. "She is right, Didi. So Shen Yue, Didi has earlier shared with us how he felt about filming his first drama with you. We want to hear your side of the story. Because I heard you guys didn't hit it off the first time."

"Definitely! He annoyed me on the set all the time! And I used to get super mad at him for bullying me. Honestly, I don't think he treated me like a girl," she complained, pointing at Dylan.

Dylan grinned, "I only tease people I like."

"You mean you only bully people smaller size than you!"

"Tell us something we don't know about you, Yue, besides being the tiniest actress in China," Dylan teased.

"Says the giraffe who hunches and eats like a cow!" she replied back.

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