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        My names Amanda. I'm 19. And I'm a groupie. Don't get me wrong, sleeping with any famous rockstar/ boyband member I want is kind of awesome. But it does come with some baggage. First off, I'm not supposed to talk about who I've slept/hooked up with. I mean who's going to believe you when you say you've hooked up with Tyler Joseph from Twenty One Pilots (It was AMAZING by the way, man that guy is hot)...Nobody. Unless you're me. I've been in this "business" long enough to become known. I've been personally requested by some of biggest bands of this generation. *cough* *cough* 5 Seconds of Summer. Don't get me wrong they are hot but they are assholes. I mean ditching your fans for a hookup, ya I'd love some tickets or backstage passes but that is one thing I'll never do. I may be a groupie but I will never hookup with a band member that ditched their fans for some girl they smash and dash.

        You may be asking by now "Amanda if you're so known around the band community, have you hooked up with a member of the most famous boyband of our generation One Direction?" Well to answer that, no. Not yet that is. I know one is engaged and two are in very happy relationships so they are automatically off limits. But there are still two, very hot, and very single boys left that I have yet to get my hands on. I'm just waiting for the right time to get my way in there. To prove one thing. Boys will be boys. 

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