Chapter 6 -the plan

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Prince Bob was throwing a small temper tantrum in his room after speaking to his father.

"hmph. 'power of the booty' my ass. I'll show him. There's no way my lollies aren't important, I have needs you know!". no one in the palace knew who Prince Bob was grumbling to, or why he was loudly pacing around his room, but they were thankful when it stopped.

Little did they know that the lack of noise would be their doom, for Prince Bob had thought of a plan.

"Aha! I know how I can get my lollies! mwahahahaha! I'll make dad pay for ignoring me!" declared Prince bob with sinister glee before he marched off to collect the guards.




to be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2019 ⏰

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