chapter 2 - The lunatic

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Stink bug perspective

It was another beautiful day full of death, danger and spider attacks in the kingdom of stink bugs. His majesty, King Pooty Mc Scooty was pretending to admire his kingdom and subjects while he waited for hi queen to arrive. The only trouble though, was that his queen wasn't a stink bug. In fact, she wasn't even another insect. Although his subjects and advisors thiught he was crazy, King Pooty Mc Scooty still couldn't see what was wrong with his dear queen. King Pooty Mc Scooty found it quite heartbreaking to know that his kingdom did not approve of his wish to marry a human. King Pooty loved the small human, even though she was many times larger than he was. He loved his human queen and her long, black hair.  He loved her blue framed glasses and her brown, almond shaped eyes. She was perfect. Unfortunately, it was rather hard for the king to confess his love for the human girl when his advisors kept getting in the way. They insisted on sending the message for the king, lest he get picked up by a hungry bird. His royal Pootiness found this quite frustrating, as he was worried that the full extent of his love would get lost in translation. King Pooty was fast running out of advisors too; they kept disappearing when they tried to send the message. The worst part however, was not the loss of his trusted servants; nor was it the critical stares from the stink bugs in his smelly kingdom. No, what upset King Pooty Mc Scooty the most was the rumours. He cared not for the rumours of his insanity, (because of course, that was ridiculous; the king can't possibly be insane!) But the one thing that Mc Scooty could not ignore, was all of his loving, loyal, and stinky subjects calling his beautiful, future wife and soon-to-be queen, a murderer! How could they possibly think that a sweet, innocent, human child is capable of killing hundreds of stink bugs! It's outrageous to even consider the thought! King Scooty knew what he had to do... he sighed. They would have to be executed. It was the only way to end the vile rumours. But just as King Mc Scooty started thinking of ways to humanly murder his kingdom, he was distracted by the most magnificent sight, found just out of the corner of his eye; his queen, talking and laughing with her servants. "Ah, such a merciful ruler she is, to allow such peasants to address her as her first name. Alas, King Pooty Mc Scooty had a much better name for his fair maiden. Queen Annet, the honorary human stink bug. Suddenly, the king had an idea that snapped him out of his fantasies. He knew then how he could get the attention of his beloved queen; he would approach her, and tell her how he person...

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