Chapter 11

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Jaemin PoV 

After walking past Mina, I felt a little something crumble in my chest. I sat back down at the table and heard a door being slammed from a distance. Probably Mina. 

I put my head in my hands and sighed. 

"Dude. What did you do?" Yeseul asked. 

"Nothing really." I said. 

"Where is Mina?" Jeno asked. 

"Upstairs. In her room." I said pointing in the direction of her room. 

"Did she slam her door just now?" Yeseul asked. 

I raised my head. "Yeah? Why?"

Yeseul's eyes widened. "Oh fuck. That's not a good sign."

I looked at her confused. What was so wrong about someone slamming their door close?  "What's so wrong about someone slamming their door?"

"M-Mina isn't just anyone. S-she....she might...she might cut--" 

"WHAT?!?!" I yelled cutting Yeseul off. I ran upstairs and opened up the door to Mina's room. I saw her crying on the floor and blood gently oozing out of her skin.  "Mina!" I yelled. 

She looked up at me and I could see tears streaming down her cheeks. Regret hit me like a truck. My body was physically in pain when I saw Mina's crying eyes, a sight I never wanted to see. 

I rushed to her side and gently took the knife out of her hand. I fumbled through the cabinets and I finally found bandages that were long enough to wrap around her arm. I took some toilet paper and cleaned up her wound then wrapped the bandage around her wrists to cover up the cuts. All the while, Mina stared at me. Crying. She was broken down, I could see it all inside her. She was broken. She was hurt. She was trying to cry for help, but something was pulling her voice down. 

I felt the urge to hug Mina and comfort her in the best way that I could. And I did. I honestly loved Mina too much to see her become hurt like this. 

"I'm sorry." I whispered, caressing her hair and wrapping my arm around her waist to hold her securely.

Mina held onto my shirt and said nothing. She just sat there. Crying. And I let her. I let her sob out her emotions. I let her cry out all her thoughts. I let her hold to my shirt like it was her last moment with me. I let her do everything she needed to feel like she was okay. And I just sat there, giving her words of comfort letting her do everything she needed to. 

Moments later, Yeseul and Jeno came rushing through the door. 

Yeseul kneeled down next to Mina. She extended her arms and I gently gave the fragile, broken girl to her. I stood up next to the two girls and cleaned up the mess I had made. 

Jeno stared at me. 

I looked at him through the mirror while washing my hands. 

"Bro, you alright." He asked. 

I sighed. "I don't know if I'm alright. I have no idea what Mina could have done with that knife if she had been left alone any longer." I dried my hands and walked out of the bathroom and sat on Mina's bed. 

"This is all your fault, you know that right?" Jeno said, stating the obvious. 

"I know." I ran a hand through my hair, frustrated with myself. What could have happened if I got there any later? Mina was already wounded from the cut on her neck. She could have fainted again. I put her in danger again. 

"Jaemin, relax." Jeno placed a hand on my shoulder. 

"How can I? I caused all this panic. Mina could have fainted again. She's already wounded as it is!" I shouted. 

"Nana. She's here isn't she? She's not being rushed to the hospital right now is she? She's okay because you. You need to understand that. Jaemin. Mina loves you too. Enough to give you away to someone else because she thinks of it as your benefit. She has lost so much already." Jeno begged. 

"I don't deserve her, Jeno-ah." I said, staring at Mina still crying in Yeseul's arms. "She's too precious. I'm not good enough for her. She's not safe in my hands. She looks and is safer with Yeseul. That's why I'm choosing to give up on her too. She's giving up on me and I'm going to give up on her too. We'll give up together. Think of it as my token of gratitude for her kindness." 

"Jaemin, no. Stop. This isn't you. The Jaemin I know is the type that would chase after the girl that he loved. The Jaemin I befriended at such a young age would be loyal to the girl he loved and loyal only to the girl he loved. This isn't the Jaemin I know."

"Jeno. She's so fragile! How could I possibly keep her for myself? I...I can't be her boyfriend. I...I can't be the one she ends up being with." 

"So what if she's fragile? Then take care of her even more carefully. Take care of her as if every breath is her last. That's how I have promised to treat Yeseul." Jeno said, trying to reason with me. 

Yeseul walked over to the two of us. 

"How is she?" I asked, panicked. My palms were sweaty from nervousness. 

"She's okay now. But she needs rest. I can't bring her to school. She can't go to school for that matter." Yeseul explained. 

"Then I'll stay home with her." I volunteered. 

"I was going to volunteer but alright. I'll make sure to take notes for you two. I'll tell our homeroom teacher that Mina's sick. I'll just say that you are sick too with a fever." Yeseul said. 

"Alright. I'll go get Mina from the bathroom." I said. 

I walked into the bathroom where Mina was sitting on the toilet cap. I kneeled down next to her and cupped her cheeks, wiping away the remaining tears on her face. 

"How are you feeling?" I asked. 

"Better." She said, her voice hoarse. 

I smiled and nodded. I stood up and gently kissed her forehead. "We won't bring you to school today okay?"

She quietly nodded. She stood up but almost immediately collapsed. Quickly, I grabbed her waist and one of her hands. 

"Mina!" I said in a panicked voice. "Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah." She said, holding tightly onto my hand. 

Slowly, I brought her over to her bed. 

Yeseul and Jeno explained that they would leave the two us and let us rest. We all said our goodbyes and then went about days. Mine with Mina and Yeseul's with Jeno.

A/n: Super quick author's note! So, school recently started for me and I have no idea if I'll be able to post regularly like I have been. Thank you to all the readers have stuck with my long ass stories that I have no idea when to end. I suck at cliffhangers BECAUSE I HATE CLIFFHANGERS!!!! So.....I feel like that is definitely a struggle I need to get over. If any of the readers are talented writers, and I am sure you are better than me, please feel free to just give me some advice on how I can make this story more interesting. I would feel very happy if you could give me your ideas and advice!!!! 

this turned a lot longer than I intended it to....oh well. Anyways, please stick with me and don't forget to stay happy, healthy and beautiful!!! 

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