All the maids then depart from the circle and off to different parts in the kitchen, leaving me in the middle with no where to go. That's until I turn around and see the same woman just giving us orders glaring at me.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" She growls. She's very intimidating for such a petite woman.

"I-I," I struggle and my eyes wander around the kitchen.

"S-s-spit it out!" She mimics me, obviously getting more annoyed by the second.

"I'm new," I say. "I came here yesterday."

She sighs and pulls a note pad from her back pocket. "Who's suppose to train you?" She asks and scans over the paper.

"Lily," I tell her and she only sighs again.

"Lily's too busy to be training. You will be serving and tending to the buffet refills. Make sure to fulfill every request of the men!" She says and we begin to walk. "For now, you will help prepare the buffet and set the dining table." She points to a table with stacks of plates and a cart beside it. "Now go." She dismisses me and I scurry off.

When I arrive at the table, I begin to hurriedly stack the plates and cutlery on to the cart, as if I know what I'm doing. I nearly drop a plate, but I just catch it before it can make any sort of noise.

Once I've stacked all the plates and assorted the cutlery, I slowly start to push the cart away from the table and to the dining room which I can see through the nearby archway.

After about an hour of setting the large dining table and helping set up the large buffet, the men begin to enter the dining room.

Some of the maids are in the kitchen doing dishes, while a few, like Lily, the dark-haired one who's name I learned is Amelia, and I are standing in the dining room, waiting for any requests.

I notice as more and more men being to fill up the room, a chair near me at the end of the table is still empty. No one is getting food from the buffet yet either.

But after standing there only a few more moments, the door opens and a tall, black-haired, as handsome as they come, man enters the room with a proud stride. Amelia, who is near the doorway, curtsies with a wide smile and he simply smirks down at the small woman. He then continues his stride down the room and all the men at the dining table stand up in what seems to be respect.

The distance between the handsome man and I is getting smaller and smaller with each step he takes.

When he passes me, he doesn't look straight ahead, in fact, he looks directly at me and smiles a beautiful smile at me. He stands in front of his chair and what seems to be a glare is given to his men.

"Well," the man says and picks up his plate. "Don't just stand there and look at me you fools, eat!"

All the men nod and give a low mumble of, "Yes, Sir." And get up out of their chairs and follow the man to the large array of food a few feet away.

The man who had just called everyone, 'fools', gets his food before anyone and takes a seat without waiting for them. He must be the boss.

Andrei's POV

There she was, only a few feet away from me; her beautiful forest eyes scanning the room every so often, then back to the ground.

I set my fork down beside my plate calmly and single her over with my finger. Her head whips up and she quickly, yet nervously, takes a few small steps towards me.

"Y-yes, Sir?" She asks, her voice breaking in parts from her nervousness.

My hand reaches out behind her and I gently rest my hand on the small of her back. She flinches at my sudden choice of actions and I can hear her breathing nearly stop all together.

I smirk deviously as her terrified orbs stare into mine. "Could you please fetch me some water, dear?" I ask as kindly as I can possibly muster. The last thing I want to do is scare this beauty off.

She nods obediently and rushes off back into the kitchen, her hands on the bottom of her skirt trying to keep it from flying up. God, I wish she didn't think of doing that.

I look back at the dining table and see Amelia in the far left corner, her arms crossed against her chest and a hateful glare of hers is aimed towards the kitchen where the girl has just ran off to.

Well.. this will be interesting due to some of the ideas playing in my mind.

Moments later, the beauty scurries back into the dining room with a tall glass of water in her hands. She sets it down in front of and forces an obviously fake smile on her pretty little face.

"Anything else, Sir?" She manages to say. Is it just me or does she look a little faint?

Yes, there is. "Not at the moment," I say and she nods and takes a step away, but I grab her hand and pull her back. "But come to my office after you're done here. I need to speak with you."

Her eyes widen even more than they did before and I feel her hand start to shake just before she calmly pulls it back. "Me?" She peeps as she points to herself with a shaky finger.

I nod. "You."

A Dangerous Passion (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now