Chapter One.

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Deals. (C) 2015
All rights reserved.
By Jacinta Mitchell

Chapter One: Introducing the schools trouble makers.
Surprised or disappointed? -Shark

It started with a simple offer.

I didn't think it'd go as far as it did, but for some reason I found a true home where I least expected I would.

This is the story of me, Maxine Haze.


Pulling into the student lot I realised I was half an hour late to the first day of my senior year.

But it didn't bother me, if given the choice I wouldn't be here at all.

Reluctantly I pulled off my helmet and shook my long black hair out. My feet lead me automatically to the old wooden double doors, which I pushed open and was greeted by the school secretary who typed away on the keyboard of her computer, pushing up her glasses every so often.

She looked up smiling as she heard the chime of the bells that were at the top of the mahogany door, but it wavered when she saw who it was and she looked back to her computer, "Ms Haze, glad you're joining us this year."

I plastered on an over the top fake smile, "I broke out of jail just to be with you today Mrs Henry, feel special."

She had learnt to ignore my prison jokes and instead started to print of my school schedule.

Signing in, I waited for her to hand me the slip of paper, "Your father has requested for you to be tutored this year."

I rolled my eyes, "Of course he has."

"You know if you tried a little harder at school, or at least attended it regularly then, you could be the next Albert Einstein," she handed me the schedule along with locker key.

"Mrs Henry, don't read off your sticky notes. I know my dad told you to say that."

She shrugged and dropped the conversation. Looking down at the sheet I had been given I read the room for my first class. 203.

AP chemistry.

Contrary to my father's beliefs, I wasn't an idiot.

Walking down the same dull creamy white corridor I had seen for the past two years, I made my way to my class.

I didn't bother to knock on the door as I entered room 203, ignoring the annoyed stare from my new teacher I found the first spare seat I could see and sat down dropping my bag on the floor. I smiled when I realised who I had actually sat next too.

"Miss that was late, what's your name?" The teacher barked making my eyes turn towards him, I pursed my lips.

"It would be so much better for both of us if you never had to learn it," I replied to him in the same bored tone that I used regularly on teachers.

The room had gone completely quiet as everyone listened attentively to the conversation.

"Name," he snapped impatiently.

Sighing, I answered him, "Maxine Haze."

His eyes lit up in recognition at the name. One of the teachers probably had warned him about me earlier.

"Oh," he mumbled looking away from me, "Try not to come so late next time..."

"I'm surprised you came at all," the boy beside me muttered under his breath.

Elbowing Shark I smirked in satisfactory when he groaned, "Shut up man."

Glancing down at my phone I read the screen before tucking it into my cleavage.

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