Chapter Two- Recognition

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"Thank you." The woman said passing into the apartment. 

Alice closed the door and turned around to watch as the brunette walked over to the dining room table and began tipping out the contents of her huge bag. Alice eyes widened at the quantity of item falling freely from the bag, some of them Alice found questionable but kept all comments to herself. 

The brunette must have noticed Alice watching with a perplexed expression and grinned over at her before dropping the bag to teh surface of the table and striding over to standing in front of teh red head.

"I totally forgot in introduce myself," She said, with a happy laugh. Her hand shot out infront of her, inbetween her and Alice. "I'm Beth," Alice's gaze kept flickering from Beth's gaze to her out-stretched hand. She wasn't sure what beth was expecting and a frown tugged at her expression but she replied anyway. "


Beth looked slightly put out that Alice hadn't taken her hand but she had already notice the unusual nature in which she acted and chose to ignore it. "Nice to meet you, Alice. Now I think we should get started."

Beth's eyes scanned over Alice's features and Alice shifted uncomfortable on her feet, she wasn't used to people staring so intently at her, but otherwise remained still for Beths examinations.

"I know exactly what I'm going to do with you!" Beth finally exclaimed happily, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

Alice frowned. "'Do with me?"

Beth shook her head. "Don't you worry about a thing, by the time I'm finished with you, you're going to look amazing, " She paused and her eyes glanced down at the un-opened box in Alice's grip "Although, I think it would be a good idea to see what I'll be working with."

Alice followed her gaze down to the box and a shy smile tugged at her lips. This was the first gift she remembered ever receiving and childish excitement bubbled up in her stomach. She gripped the box tighter in her hands and shuffled over to the end of the dining room table -the only empty space left. She gently put the box down and glanced up at Beth for reassurance. Beth nodded to her, her own excitement evident on her face. In the short amount of time she had known the overly happy brunette woman, Alice was begining to actually enjoy her company, she had such a happy aura about her and it made Alice herself feel slightly calmer. 

Alice reached out and gripped the edge of the lid, her fingers curling around the cardboard, she took a deep breath before pulling the lid of quickly. Her breath hitched in her throat as her eyes landed on the contents of the box. The soft beige materialed dress folded neatly. Alice's slowly reached out and let her fingers trail down the front before reaching in with both hands and lifting it up and out of the box. 

She unfolded the dress and the material fell down around her, floating towards the ground and stopping just short of the floor. It was beautiful, nothing like anything Alice had ever seen before, she was completely taken by the dress and her admiration for Kol increased. There would be no way she would be able to ever thank him enough.

"That is gorgeous!" Beth gushed, immediatly at Alice's side, her own fingers trailing over the material. "This is going to look beyond amazing on you." 

Alice could just about make out what Beth was saying to her, her attention remained focused on the dress in her hands, she couldn't describe how she was feeling, they to intense, but she did know that she would definitly have to thank Kol somehow.

"C'mon, Alice, lets go and get you ready." 

"Wow, I did good." Beth commented as Alice slowly walked out of her bedroom, fully clothed and make-up completed. 

Stubborn Love -KlausTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon