Chapter One - The Unfamiliar

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"Are you sure this is to your liking, Miss?" A frail elderly woman asked. She stood beside the wide opened wooden door, holding on to it slightly to give her some more balance as she watched the red headed young woman look around the room  in awe.

"Yes, this is perfect, Mrs Flowers." The woman replied softly, her British accent flowing through slightly at the words she spoke. "This is more than I could have requested."

She turned around to face the kind older woman and gave a shy smile.

"You don't sound like you're from around here." The greying woman commented, shifting her weight onto her walking stick.

The red head's posture stiffed slightly and she looked away, her eyes finding the large arched window on the other side of the room. "No, I suppose I'm not." She said, her voice quiet, hesitant almost.

Mrs Flowers seemed to notice the hesitancy within the young woman answer and decided it be best to drop the subject, so instead she hobbled over and placed the apartment key on the kitchen counter. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to come knocking, dear."

"Alice." The red headed said suddenly, spinning on her heels to face Mrs Flowers.

"Excuse me?"

"...My name, It's Alice." The red head informed slowly, here eyes childishly wide.

Mrs Flowers smiled at her and nodded ever-so gently. "It's nice to meet you,  Alice. Again if you need anything, you know where I am."

Alice nodded, a soft smile tugging at her lips. "Of course, Mrs Flowers."

Mrs Flowers smiled, gripped her walking stick and hobbled her way out the door, closing it behind herself, leaving Alice alone.

As soon as the door had clicked shut, Alice released a deep breath and she ran a hand through her fiery locks. She stood there in the middle of the large room, not quite knowing what to do next. She wasn't even really sure where she was. Nothing was making sense and every time she tried to force her mind to comprehend everything, she would just give herself a headache.

Alice took a deep breath and let her eyes wonder over her new living residency. The small living room was cosy, with a three seated sofa angled against the corner of the room coloured a deep red that seemingly matched well with the drapes hanging limply on either side of the large window. A brown, old, circular woollen rug lay spread out just in front of the sofa  and an unusual looking box.

Alice eyed the box carefully and walked towards it. She's never seen one of those before and had absolutely no clue as to what it was. The box was seemingly made from a plastic and had a glass panel in the front, several button-like circles displayed evenly along the bottom plastic rim. She moved so she was crouched just in front of it and cocked her head to the side. Bringing her right hand forward she cautiously pressed in the largest button, not expecting what came with it.

The glass screen lit up a fuzzy grey for a few moments the sound of static resonating around the room. Alice fell backwards in shock, and quickly scrambled away for the glowing box. It wasn't natural, that shouldn't be able to happen. The number 68 flashed in a fluorescent green in the top left hand corner.

She stayed where she was for a few moments, waiting to make sure it wasn't going to do anything else before crawling back over to the position she was in before.

This time her fingers were ever more hesitant when they neared the box that seemed alive, that had a mind of it's own. She paused her movement just before she touched could touch anything and then squeezed her eyes shut, thrusting her hand forward jabbing at another button. This one didn't sink into the plastic as far the previous one did and no sound came from it either.

Stubborn Love -Klausحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن