But… he said… he said he love me.

“Earth calling to Zena…” he said and clapped his hands in front of my face. “Why are you blushing?”

“I am not!” Oh, shit!

“C’mon, stand up and prepare yourself for –”

“I’m not going to the mall…”

“Stop being so stubborn!”

“Why do I have to change my clothes?” I challenged. “If I truly have a serene beauty then why do I have to buy new clothes?”

“I new Kim,” he said, half in anger and half in exasperation. “He would never be interested in a woman in black with no good manners and is good with nothing but fighting and cursing her enemies.”

Ok. That hit it.

“I don’t have enough money to by all the things that we need.” I do not buy clothes. I steal clothes. Therefore, I never valued money that much.

“I have.” I groaned and he chuckled. “Buying new clothes won’t kill you so stand up, take a bath and get ready because today is going to be a long day.”

Yeah right.


“Is he courting you?” Ely asked.

“Who?” I replied as we enter the restaurant.

She rolled her eyes. “Stop acting as if you don’t know who I’m talking about. It’s obvious that he likes you.”

Funny. The last time Ely and I talked was when I told her to stop flirting with Ethan. I even hurt her. But look at us now, we were talking to each other as if we were the best of friends. No wonder Ethan fell in love with this girl.

She was so friendly and funny. She was easy to like. I wish I could be like her: sweet, loving and funny. I could make anyone fall in love with me if I had those characteristics. Huh. Why do I always end up comparing myself to other girls?

“Who else?” Analee cut in.

“You know who,” Quincy added.

I frowned at the three of them as we take our seats. “Kim?”

“Who’s Kim?” the three asked in unison.

“I thought – oh hell!” I waved my hand in the air. “The three of you are so confusing. No one is courting me so who do you think is courting me?”

They glanced at each other and it made me more ill-tempered. I do not know anyone courting me and yet here they are acting as if the answer to their questions were so obvious. The only men I knew were Ethan, Justin, Gavin, Kira, Kim and Athrun and no one showed any interest on me.

Except of course Kira because he’s my brother.

“Who?” I repeated.

It was Ely who answered my question. “We thought Athrun is courting you, Zena.”

“There is something in the way he looks at you…” Quincy mused.

“He likes you…” Analee added.

“Athrun?” I laughed. “That’s the most stupid thing I’ve ever heard! Of all the angels why Athrun? He hates me more than I hate myself!”

“I never said I hate you,” Athrun said and sat beside me. “And why would you hate yourself?”

“None of your business…” I mumbled and threw a disgusting look at the shopping bags. I hate the things inside those bags!

“Did you like your new clothes?” he asked, catching me staring on those bags.

“Like it?” I hissed. “How could I? You bought me a HOT PINK ONE – SHOULDER FLOWING GOWN!”

Everyone in the restaurant glanced in our direction. Athrun smiled at them, telling them that nothing was wrong before glaring at me. His eyes, a beautiful shade of green, were shining dangerously as it scrutinized my face.

“I think you are ready for plan number two…” he said dangerously.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. “What plan?”

He smiled. “A plan that could make you weep.”

“Then forget that plan,” I said simply. “You know you can’t force me to do something I know could only make my life more miserable.”

“You don’t want new clothes yet here you are in the mall, shopping with us.” He leaned closer, making his face only a few inches from mine. “We’ll do plan number two no matter how much you detest it.”

I moved away and looked at the menu. “I won’t do it.”

He chuckled. “Yes you will. Accept it, you need my help.”

A heaved a deep sigh. This angel beside me knew my weaknesses. He knew how to control me. And I hate it! I feel so weak when I was with him! I wanted to tell him to back off and just evaporate! I had enough burdens for him to add more. A had enough. And I don’t know how to handle those burdens anymore.

And I needed him.

I glanced at Athrun and saw him smiling at me teasingly. “Plan number two will start this night.”

“Monster,” I said instead.

“I told you he likes you…” Analee said enthusiastically and smiled at me knowingly. “It’s obvious.”

“Who?” Athrun asked as the waiter put our orders on the table.

“Yo – ouch!” Analee hissed and looked at me angrily.

I mouthed the word ‘sorry’ and quickly moved my foot away from Analee, which I used to kick her on the leg before she could have the chance to kick me too.

“Who?” Athrun repeated.

“Nothing…” Ely cut in.

And before Athrun could ask another question, I took one strawberry and quickly put it inside his mouth. “You’re handsome when you are not talking.”

And to my surprise, he blushed.

And to Athrun’s surprise, the four of us broke into laughter.

‘He likes you’, Analee mouthed as we laugh and Ely and Quincy nodded in agreement.

I shook my head instead.

They were wrong.

Exceptional Prince: The Sacrifice (Athrun's Story)Where stories live. Discover now