Up With The Bottle, Down With The Beer

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A/N- Yes, i changed what Alexia looks like simply because it's been a very very long time since we've seen her, so obvious changes. Plus, i feel this photograph fits her better than the one i showed many many many chapters ago.

I could feel the blood pumping through my veins, dragging the Dramamine with it as it coursed through my body, being sucked in deeper and deeper. After a while, I could feel and hear everything and I hated it sometimes. Even now, back in my bunk, I have remnants of those feelings. They’ve faded mostly, though. The guys are pissed off at me, and I’m not exactly sure of what I did. They keep asking what I did but I won’t tell them I popped pills. I won’t do that. That would be a huge mistake in itself, not that taking them wasn’t a mistake in the first place though.

                It got out to the fans tonight somehow. I mean, I shouldn’t be surprised in this day and age that things get out that fast. A lot of the fans wanted to protests us, even. In a joking manner of course, but their point was, they were sad that we split. I’ve been getting dozens of tweets and alerts of people asking me why and who did what. Bottom line, that’s no one’s business but my own. A handful of fans are happy we split, saying how ugly she was and that her personality type wasn’t for me.

                But they’re wrong. She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. Nothing about her is ugly. I love every inch of her and wouldn’t trade that for the world. I never got tired of watching the way her lips would annunciate her words as they poured from her mouth as she feverishly would explain something. I could watch her eyes glow as she talked about something she loved all day. That was one of the things I loved most about her – her love for something.

                Sometimes I question that trait about her due to the recent scene of events, but what the hell do I care? Yes. No! Shaking my head, I roll out of my bunk and walk to the couch and plop down next to Jack, pulling open my fully charged phone.

                “Why are you still up, Lex? It’s one in the morning.” He asks as he shoves potato chips into his already stuffed mouth.

                “I could ask you the same thing,” I smirk at him before going to read my three text messages.

                “Touché, Alex, touché.” He gets up and goes to the refrigerator and grabs me a drink along with his and throws the soda can at me. “So, what was up with you earlier?”

                I shake my head. “It doesn’t matter, Jack, please drop it.” Before he says anything else, he notices I open my texts and he shuts up. I have two from Alexia and one from Vic.

                Ignoring Alexia first, I open Vic’s message.

                I know we aren’t on good terms, but please be more respectful to Riley.

                I reply. Maybe I’d be respectful if she kept her lips to herself.

                Next, I open the two from Alexia, dreading what she has to say about the split.

                I heard, Alex. And I’m sorry. You can talk to me whenever you want about it. I roll my eyes.

                And I’m sorry for everything I did to her. Reads the second one. To be honest, why would I hate her anymore since Riley did that to me? I only hated her for how she treated Riley, not myself. Now, I have no reason to dislike her, or to push out a possible friendship.

                Call me? I reply. Five minutes later, my phone buzzes and I excuse myself to the table in the kitchen area. I slide the unlock bar on my phone and press the accept button as her name flashes across the screen. “Hey,” I answer, feeling slightly nervous.

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