Chapter 51-Estrenar-Warning Sign

Start from the beginning

On screen, a figure stood at the back-up interface. Even turned around, Estrenar noticed it wasn't Kathar's balding head, and the stooped shoulders were a major giveaway.


Russ depressed a button on the rows of buttons before her, speaking at the screen:

"Connect viewing screen to back-up interface."

The scene changed from security feed of Samuel's back to a close-up of his troubled face. His attention was squared on the ground, but he raised his chin and acknowledged them.

"So," he drew in a breath, "we're entirely fucked."


Estrenar, like Russ, listened to Samuel's briefing with growing dread. Sure, they were both over-dramatic at times, but they seemed to know their stuff.

Apparently, the Green-Eyed had attempted to commandeer the back-up protocol, and per Samuel, the program had stalled. While that fact was disheartening, it wasn't as disturbing as the truth behind the initial spread of The Storm. For decades, scientists theorized the disease occurred in nature. Yet, clearly The Storm was a Green-Eyed tool for terrorism.

"Finding a cure from Sanctus is now of paramount import," Russ said to Samuel.

He nodded.

"Meet up with Tiptree, and complete the survey mission."

Samuel didn't respond, eyes again affixed to the floor.

"Hey, no time to check out," Estrenar said.

He snapped his head up. "Yeah, yeah, just thinking about what Kathar said."

"The part about The Storm choosing the strong, killing the weak?"


Estrenar said what they were all considering: "Good thing I'm wearing a mask, though not sure what good it will do now." Plenty of Storm survivors had proven asymptomatic, despite what Kathar said. "Apparently I was chosen by the Storm."

She recalled her emerald eyes. How obvious it all was. The Green Eyed on Earth didn't manipulate their appearance. The green-eyed mutation was a result of viral infection. As The Storm ravaged and killed "the weak," no one had ever made the connection to the cult-like group that had borne it.

"Keep that thing on, thank you," Russ told her cheekily. To Samuel, she said, "I'll send Genly Ai to protect you. Stay in that room until he reaches you."

"Will do."

Estrenar flicked a wrist at Genly, who hovered nearby. Silently, it departed, having heard what was needed. Once it was gone, the particle wall dropped back in place. Hainish swayed uneasily, and Russ pointed downward, a motion that said stick around. The simple gestures, though necessary for the tense situation, gave Estrenar pause. These bots were not unlike she had been when infected; at the whim of a greater entity, unable to make autonomous decisions.

 "It's fine," Hainish said, as though it saw inside her head.

Russ, after briefly glancing at Estrenar's face, added, "They can read facial expressions, heart rates and stuff. It only seems like mind-reading."

She relaxed somewhat, but not by much.

"Estrenar, take Hainish and see---,"

Again, the particle wall dropped, but not because of Hainish or Genly. When the very noticeable buzzing ceased, signaling the wall was down, Russ and Estrenar turned and stood. Two robed figures swept into the comms room. Through the dark cowls, she made out Kathar's haggard visage, and Jason's handsome one. Estrenar randomly decided he was less handsome now that she knew he was a terrorist.

"How the hell did you get in here?" Russ asked.

Jason's smile glittered. "Override codes."

His arm rose, hand gripping a laser pistol. He fired, shooting Hainish. The bot immediately sank to the floor, a gaping hole in its neck stem, where the power core was located.

Its slackening, lucite face appealed to Estrenar.

Help me.

As though she could.

A warm pinch started in her belly button, then punched into her gut. Estrenar doubled over, blood dribbling from her mouth.

I can't even help myself.

She flailed for purchase, as if to get rid of whatever or wherever had wounded her.

Straight ahead, Kathar shook his head, lowering his weapon.

"Your father would be disappointed."

His words distorted as she sank to the floor. Estrenar couldn't believe this balding asshole had brought her down. Again.

His footsteps fell away, ebbing with the beat of her slowing heart.

Before the dark curtain descended, all she could think of was how Kathar had ruined her entire life. The image of her father filled her vision, her green-eyed father. Kathar had infected him, possibly years ago, leading to the domino situation they were in.

In a floating state of awareness, she finally understood how the Green-Eyed wished to lead the mission so they could spread the Storm to other inhabited planets (that Control kept secret).

Soon, Estrenar gave in to the intense, burning pain. The curtain blocked all of her thoughts.

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