Chapter 15

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Once more I decided to stay the night with Meliodas. I had no problem with it, I mean we were in a relationship after all.

Since it was really late, I sent my parents a text as Meliodas and I walked hand in hand up the stairs. When we reached his room, I went over and sat on his bed while he rummaged through his drawers.

He tossed a green shirt at me. I went to go to the bathroom to change, but he spoke up before I could.

"You can change in front of me, I don't mind." My face heated up within seconds and my eyes bulged.

"W-What?" I stammered. He chuckled slightly.

"We're girlfriend and boyfriend now, aren't we? So, we should be able to change in front of each other," he explained. I looked down at the floor.

"Yeah, but... I'm afraid you won't like what you see," I muttered under my breath. Meliodas still heard it though. He took two long strides across the room and stood in front of me, taking my hands.

"There is nothing you could do or say that would ever make me think less of you," he said firmly. I was a little shocked, but then bit my bottom lip to keep from crying. I nodded my head and slipped off my dress, revealing my ribs that poked through my chest and my skinny thighs.

He smiled sadly and put his hands on my small waist. He pressed his forehead to mine, holding me close. I breathed a shaky sigh and relaxed against him.

"Your beautiful," he whispered. I let a small tear filled with emotions slip down my face, but nothing other than that. He quickly kissed my lips. I snatched up the shirt and put it on, climbing into his bed.

He clambered in behind me, wrapping his arm around me. I flipped over in his arms and put my head on his collar bone. And with that, we fell asleep.


My eyes fluttered open only to see the still sleeping face of Meliodas. It had to be around 2:00 AM, because pale moonlight shone through the window. My face was still buried in his collar bone.

It became apparent how incredibly thirsty I was. I quietly slipped from Meliodas's grasp, no matter how difficult, and crept down the stairs. Finding a glass in the pantry, I got some water from the fridge (y'know the little dispenser things), and drank, facing the pantry.

Suddenly, arms wrapped around me and I almost choked. I assumed it was Meliodas and relaxed a little. He rested his chin on top of my head. Wait. Meliodas isn't taller than me.

I set my glass down fast and shoved him off, my heart racing. I turned to look at who it was, but deep down, I already knew from the start. I just didn't want to believe it.

Estarossa. (EW, NASTY HOE)

"Get the hell away from me," I growled, my hands trembling in fear.

"It's such a shame that your my brother's," he started, lifting his hand and brushing a strand of hair from my face, "but who says I can't have you when he's not around."

I flinched away and began to hyperventilate. I tried to scream but was soon silenced with his lips, his hands pinning mine to the counter. My back arched over the counter and I struggled, tears pouring from my eyes.

Even after I squeezed them shut, they just kept coming. I couldn't think. I couldn't breathe. It felt like I was back in his apartment, being stripped of my innocence against my will.

Everything he'd ever done to me was against my will. This was it, I was going to relive that pain again. Or at least that's what I thought.

Suddenly, I no longer felt his hands against my wrists, or his lips on mine. I heard a few grunts and angry yells. I slowly opened my eyes and turned my head. There, literally beating the absolute shit out of Estarossa, was Meliodas. (YAY MELI)

My vision was fuzzy and I felt so incredibly weak. I began to fall sideways, but someone caught me and lowered me onto the ground. Zeldris. (YAY ZELLY)He then rushed over to where his brothers were brawling- no, scratch that, where Meliodas was going ballistic on Estarossa.

It took all of his strength to pry Meliodas from Estarossa and hold him back. Estarossa stood weakly, and I almost felt like laughing from how his face looked.

His nose was crooked and had blood pouring out of it, his cheeks were blackened and bruised, red dripped down his lips and down his neck, and to top it all off, his eyes were purple and swollen.

He retreated out the door, giving me one last look before disappearing into
the night.

"What the fuck is going on?!" Zeldris exclaimed. Meliodas's eyes were so dark, almost looking like black holes that could swallow you at any moment. Through snarls, Meliodas explained to Zeldris what the situation was, and even Zeldris looked angry.

Within seconds, Meliodas was kneeling in front of my shaking figure, scooping me up in a bridal hold.

"We're going back to bed," he informed, taking me up the stairs and to his room, locking the door behind him. He gently laid me down on the bed and laid down next to me, propping himself up on his elbow.

He didn't say anything, for he knew nothing needed to be said, at least not in that moment. He thumbed away my tears and pressed soft kisses all over my face.

My eyelids felt heavy and closed over my blue orbs as I drifted into a dreamless slumber. But before I did, I heard three words from the man who laid beside me.

"I love you."

I belong to you (Melizabeth)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant