Chapter 13

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I sighed and flopped down onto my bed from a long day of school. Just one more day and it would be the weekend. My eyes slowly started to close before my phone dinged with a message. I lifted it up with a shaky hand.

Hey Ellie, wanna have our date tmrw?

My face became warm and I smiled, quickly typing back.

Sure! How about at 5:00?

Sounds good to me, I'll be there!

I laid back down, pressing my phone to my chest and closing my eyes. My thoughts wandered back to the sins. They kept asking where I was, especially Diane. I just told all of them that I wasn't feeling too well and Meliodas came over to take care of me.

It was only half of a lie. I opened my eyes and saw my mother standing over me. I gasped and shot up, sliding backwards, my back hitting the wall. Her hands flew up, waving in the air.

"Sorry sorry! I didn't mean to scare you," she apologized. I relaxed and rested my head against the wall. She climbed into bed next to me, leaning against the wall. I turned away from her as she placed her hand on my knee.

"Elizabeth, I'm so sorry. I should have never said those awful things to you. I understand how frustrated you must be," she murmured. My anger boiled. I whipped around to face her.

"Frustrated... Frustrated?! I spent years wondering why you left me! Why you left Dad! And why you took Marg and Vero! Now look where they are, look where we are! You weren't there when I needed you most!" I screamed. She looked shocked.

"What do you mean..." she said, her voice shaking.

"Mom, I got raped, okay?! I was violated in one of the worst ways possible and when I needed a mother, I didn't have one! Dad did everything he could to make me happy, all of the pressure was put on him! We needed you!" I cried. Her eyes were wide and her hands came up over her mouth, tears pouring down her face.

"Y-you... You were..." she stuttered as I began to sob, nodding my head. She didn't say anything. All she did was wrap her arms around me and pull me into her chest. I sobbed, clutching her shirt as she rubbed my back, crying into my hair.

I should have been mad. I wanted to so badly. But if I was being honest it was the safest I had felt in a long time. Her arms seeming to be as strong as steel around me, forming a barrier between me and my fears.

She lifted my head and forced me to look into her eyes, stern and serious.

"Elizabeth," she began, "I promise that I will be there for you for the rest of my life, if you'll just give me a chance." I bit my lip, sniffling. My eyes were blurry but I could make out her beautiful face.

I nodded my head. She let out a breath that she had seemed to be holding in, and a wide smile spread across her face. This time she dove into my chest and cried tears of joy. I smiled and rested my chin on her head.

After a few minutes, she pulled away, still smiling. Eventually her smile wavered and a look of pity crosses her face.

"Tell me everything," she pleaded. And so I did. I told her everything.

Time skip~

I told her how the incident happened, how I had several court meetings, my depression, my self harm, how when we moved here he ended up being my date's brother, and told her everything about Meliodas.

By the end, she was still crying, but she had a calm expression. She rubbed my shoulder and kissed my forehead, moving her hand to caress my cheek. I leaned into her soft palm, glad I finally had a mother.

We had ended up talking for hours that I barely noticed my father standing in the doorway, a shocked look on his face.

"Caroline," he hissed. We turned our heads fast.

"Baltra," my mom greeted nervously. I stood up and rushed over to him, standing in front of him.

"Dad, it's okay, I'm giving her a chance, I want you too as well," I pleaded. He scowled.

"After everything she put us through, your going to forgive her like that?!" he shouted.

"It's my choice!" I screeched.

"I-If I may-" my mother tried.

"Quiet, Caroline!" my father commanded.

"Don't talk to her like that!" I threatened. He looked shocked to say the least.

"Elizabeth you've clearly forgotten what common sense is. She abandoned us! And we were doing so well until she came along," he shouted, pointing at my mother. I took a step forward.

"We were a broken family! I couldn't talk to you about anything because I felt as if I couldn't trust you! Do you know what that felt like?!" I was crying now.

"I get it, there was a lot of pressure on you, but I wanted to take things at my own pace, not being forced to get better right away!" He stared at me, his mouth agape. I pushed past him, my mom and him calling after me.

I snatched a coat off the rack and headed off into the night, already knowing where I wanted to go. I put my phone in my pocket. I made it in front of those familiar gates and decided not to ring the buzzer. Instead, I slipped through the fence, only then it became apparent how unhealthily skinny I was.

I clutched my arms, breathing in the cold air. I climbed over their back fence and into the backyard. I tossed a rock at Meliodas's window, shaking and shivering.

A minute later it opened and he stared through the darkness. He seemed to realize it was me and disappeared, the back door in front of me opening literally two seconds later.

"Elizabeth? What are you doing here?" he asked, stepping into the night.

"I just... I can't be at home tonight," I muttered. He nodded and walked towards me, his hands finding their way to my waist before giving me a short kiss and leading me inside his house, up to his room.

The room was still plunged in darkness and I was still in my school uniform. He rooted around in his drawers and pulled out a black oversized shirt.

"Here," he said, tossing it to me. I caught it. I began stripping off my clothes without even realizing Meliodas was watching. I heard a cough by the time I was about to pull my skirt down. My face reddened once I saw his pink face that seemed to be glowing the darkness.

"I-I'm sorry! I-I didn't realize..." I said, embarrassed. He laughed and smirked.

"It's okay, well, not that I mind," he mused wiggling his eyebrows.

"Just turn around!" I shrieked. He chuckled and turned around as I took off my skirt, pulling his shirt over my head. "O-Okay, you can turn around now," I stammered. He turned around and smiled.

"I like seeing you in my shirt," he teased. I covered my face, running and jumping onto Meliodas's bed. A second later I felt the bed dip with Meliodas's weight. His arm found its way around my waist.

"There's obviously something wrong, wanna talk about it?" he asked. I shook my head.

"I just want to sleep," I whispered. He nodded and snuggled into the back of my neck, kissing it.

"Good night, Ellie."

"Good night, Mel."

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