"Shh! Little one your fever is still high you need......." "What happened to me? Where is my mom? Who are you?"
"Cool it with the questions. First calm down,.....where to start ummm! I don't know what happened to you but you are pretty hurt, second your mom is fine and third I am Mercila queen of the west, just kidding, am the Alpha's witch. Big role as you can see. Can you stay still everything will come back to you." "Oh okay.......Everything is a bit foggy. It's so frustrating."
"Don't worry healing takes time, you will be fine. Just be grateful they didn't take you to the hospital instead of calling me. They can deal with small wounds or those that have penetrated to the second layer of the skin. This penetrated to your organs." "Thank you." " Just doing my job." Mercila gives her warm smile as an assurance policy making the girl feel calm and less shaken as she slowly closes her eyes letting her do her job.

Krr!Krr! Xander's phone breaks the pin drop silence between him and the white queen, he grabs it from his desk without checking the caller ID. Standing from his sit he checks on Griselda seeing the woman was unbotherred her blue eyes staring at one point of the table as if examining it. "I need to get this." He walks out of the room, picking up his phone after seeing Ramciel's name as the caller ID. "What Ramciel? I have enough problems in my hands right now what more do you need to add."
"Is Queen Griselda giving you a hard time?" Ramciel teases laughing at the king's suffering. The elder knew of the Omega's demand to go to the castle and upon his clear memory of the two in claws academy he knew it was only a matter of time till Griselda breaks him to the point of insanity.

"Well there is that but there is more to it." "You are the king after all." "Ramciel not now." "Hmm should I not tell you because you are in a bad mood." "Go on." "You are not going to like this." "Details." "Am standing at the school principal's office and can you imagine what popped out of his closet.....drum roll..... Peter's dead body." Reports Ramciel while looking at the principal's rotting body lies on a plastic clear bag as the investigators cover his remains."What do you mean Peter's dead body?" "Yap I got a call from the female secretary saying she hasn't seen peter for days after school was reopened She decided to get some documents from the office finding Peter's dead stinking body.It's pretty grey." "That's not how you talk of the dead. Especially him he was our friend." "I know, it's better than breaking down.Can you stop digging into his skin?Urgh! My digestive system is about to collapse right now. My stomach is saying no to meat." He complains getting away from the forensic team. "So you think it's the bloodhound?" "If the Bloodhound owns an automatic hand gun sure he is our guy no doubt whatsoever."
"Gun?!" "Professor Peter here has a perfect hole in his head, came at him from the back. The investigating team have retrieved a silver laced with a toxin poison bullet." "What poison?" "remember those lizard monsters we face back when we were trying to help those snake brothers, the poison from the lizard is what was used. Since it was embedded in his brain the toxin spread fast paralyzing him before preventing him from healing then you know the rest." he informs. "This is not happening now, not now, I've already got a huge burden on my shoulders, what more can the world put on my back.......
Okay I'll be there right after I ensuring the Omegan princess is fine. I can't have Griselda's hands around my windpipe." Xander puts his phone away and heads to the study room to ensure Griselda is still holding on.

"Xander I can't believe that my daughter will end up living in this hell." She finally says her first words after a long deafening silence. The statement felt too one sided on Xander's ears. This was the doing of their enemy she should not blame him for all that is going on. The urge to defend himself and his home sparks a short fire inside him
"Griselda I don't understand why you feel the urgency to hate my home or me. We can only hate one person for this matter. Mercila is doing everything she can to help her. I assure you she is going to be safe." "Safe I bring her here for what two hours and she is already struggling to live. What about a month won't she be crawling to the other half of her body?" "Now isn't that a bit too much....." Griselda throws Xander a sharp look that stops him from talking. "It's not too much. I may sound unreasonable Xander but you of all people should understand me because you have pups of your own. When they are hurt and there is nothing you can do but wait. There is so much anger and frustrations wracking your brain in need for attention. Am sorry you feel blamed..... It's the only way I can rest this annoying burning sensation in me." She lets out tears falling down her cheeks unable to hide them any longer. "Am sorry I do understand..... There is so much I can do. You should know that as well." " Excuse me I'll go check on my daughter."

THE CONTINUATION OF THE BLOODY WAR.2🐺☑️ Complete and Edited.Where stories live. Discover now