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Listen to this 👆song while reading the words in the bracket. (...)

                        Her face was slowly paleing, her eyes burning with urgency to cry, her breath burnt inside her lungs in need to set free but she could neither taking it out nor take in fresh air.She wanted to get out of there dig a deep hole and bury herself in it. That would be rude to her betrothed.  "Oriela are you okay?" Griselda asks concerned seeing her pale complexion and lack of involvement in the story they had just started though overwhelmed she tries all she can to speak."No am not. Can I go out get some fresh air." "Sure Eden can take you." Xander suggests. "No alone." "Won't you get lost?" "No am not going far. I just need to get rid of this nauseating feeling ill be right in." Oriela excuses herself walking towards the double doors getting concerned looks from everybody on the table. Griselda didn't want to upset her more she knew this would happen eventually. The agreement they had didn't give them time to actually observe people's behavior upon learning the news. Maybe Oden's reaction created a brief intervention for her to think about how others would feel. How the packs would react. The gabbling of two lives for the sake of millions was a heavy burden only they can bare and know how it truly feels like. That's why without another word she let her go get her fresh air. "She'll be fine. There are warrior guards everywhere." "It's cute how you try to convince me that I can leave my daughter in the capabilities of your warrior guards. Oriela is a big girl she can handle herself. So Eden I'd like to know about you. I hope you are not like your father. Unreliable."

Outside the Omegan princess takes in a huge breath trying to calm herself down allowing the gathered tears to roll down her cheeks. Walking outside. Was not only for her to calm down she thought she would find him there preparing himself to get in. As if he read her thoughts he wasn't there anymore. She had to find him explain her side of the story. Help him understand her choice and the reason for her lies. Once she felt a bit better she closes her eyes taking in the air around her letting her distinguish that one scent she knew very well  Oden's depressed scent. Hurt and in pain, his scent made Oriela's wolf whimper in sadness, determined she accepts her fate. Fate was going to have her Face the music, this is one tune the Piper had made exactly for her. She turns into her beautiful snow white wolf and runs towards the scent of her true love correction her devasted true love hoping things will be well.

In the woods a couple of distance away from the palace hidden site thick Bush and tall trees provided a dark spooky scenery. But also beautiful at the same time with the lighting of the stars were more vivid and the full moon shone high in the sky providing light for the scenery. She stops seeing a figure of a male pounding on a rock continuously. The stench of fresh blood made his scent even stronger clarifying it to her he was the one. "Oden!" Oriela who was now human called out but no answer.

                          ( Oden was at the clearing of the forest busy beating a huge obsidian rock to a pulp with no sign of mercy ignoring the cuts forming on his skin. His hands drenched in his own blood. It hurt like a bitch but it soothed him from the pain in his heart. Physical pain was a shield to his emotional destruction. "How could she?!" He asks the words sounding more like a growl than him speaking. The more he remembered the reason he was there in the first place the more he struck the sharp broken piece of rock hurting himself even more. "Oriela
Why me why did you do this to me!!!" She watches this from a distance wanting to run to him contemplating whether she should stop him from taking his anger out on the rock than on her. The truth needed to be known, the reason for all this pain was necessary.

"ODEN!!"his name echoes thru the dark putting a halt to his self harm, without turning his head he sniffs the air getting her familiar scent. It was her, the last person in his mind at that moment. May be this was all a dream and the fact that my dad called my girlfriend, sister-in-law was just me having a nightmare he thought but then again.... "Oden!!" She calls out this time her voice falling into a whisper knowing well he can hear her. "GO AWAY!!" Oriela follows the sound of the stressed boy walking towards him cautious of his rage but trusting he will not her. "What do you want?" "Oden! Please listen to me first." "Am listening.......All I want to hear are two words from you, not true, everything I heard was not true." "That you are the prince of the Alphas." Oden strikes the rock breaking bits and pieces again some getting stuck in his skin preventing them from healing like the last few times scaring Oriela. She moves back a few steps taking a breath to calm her self once again. She didn't want to see him like this. She didn't want to hurt him like this. "You, Ha! Are you trying to run away from the real conversation? Sister-in-law, princess of the Omega's. When were you planning to tell me all this.Wait is that why you have been nowhere to be seen of late. Busy planning how to drag my heart out of my chest." Oden glares at the princess trying to control his answer.

THE CONTINUATION OF THE BLOODY WAR.2🐺☑️ Complete and Edited.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin