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Okay before I start I just wanna say thanks for the support in book one of this story please keep on voting and comment. Love you guys.

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The night was getting colder and her eyes still closed. He stood by her bedside waiting for her to wake up, impatience struggling to get to the sole of his feet and make him move to inform the school nurse but something stopped him.

It was minutes after she fell that he somehow easily managed to slip out of the party and back to a more peaceful heaven without the chaos of the party, her room covered in her pale pink blanket and dressed in her pajamas. He sits by her bedside holding on to her left hand still cold to touch and as creepy as it sounds despite his worry he could see her fighting to get back to him. There was no way he could watch her die not that way. He was not ready to let go of the one she wolf he loves.

Meanwhile the party was still on. Olivia was down her third pill and Thecla down her second pill, Arthur down his third and Jayden his second. The pill mart was sure not running out and the wolves were seriously removing all the stress they carried through out the many days of class and sports with nothing to clear their heads. They were itching with a need to relieve their wolves.

With the full blasting music and drug drank students no one could tell what was happening behind some of the closed doors. The blasting music and dancing could not alert anyone of what was going on around them, the fact that some of them were as good as gone. They were gone never to come back. And the shadow was too happy to care about the innocent.

Outside the school walls, Griselda was out of her mind, she knew something was definitely wrong and no it wasn't the fact that she had the darkness in her room but something else a feeling she has felt once before, the lose of one she holds dear. The same pain she felt when Christophin died. The guards were still in their positions waiting for an order, watching out for anything that may be amiss. Not knowing what was to happen has already happened.

Oriela opens her eyes but not in their world. She stands in her white dress right next to her dying body scared and cold. At a distance she could see a smoke like body laughing in evil as it watches the ghosts of the fallen, the innocent including herself walking towards him. She was scared, she didn't want to die not now when she is finally happy. She wanted to fulfil her destiny and this cannot happen with her as good as dead.

"ODEN! ODEN! What is happening? I don't want to die. Please someone help me." She shouts but all that was fatal because no one could hear her all Oden did was hold her hand waiting for her to comeback to him."No this cannot be happening? Oden? ODEN!!! Am right here. Someone help me.....PLEASE!!"

THE CONTINUATION OF THE BLOODY WAR.2🐺☑️ Complete and Edited.Where stories live. Discover now