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                                   The morning was glorious, it was filled with the beauty of singing birds and the blue skies no cloud in sight. What a wonderful day...... It would have been even more beautiful day if the air wasn't filled with our little Omega's depressive scent. Stuck to her bed like a rat to a glue trap she stares at the ceiling ignoring the blinding bright white reflection of the sun bouncing in every corner of her room. It was almost as if the universe was laughing at her celebrating her grief. Today was the day. This day she was going to put a stop to everything she shared with Oden and their heightened love. She was going to have to deal with carrying the guilt of having to break up with the love of her life. It had to be today not a second later. She bravely takes her phone and dials Thecla's number. "Please pick up." She urges running her hands depressingly thru her hair tired of the growing splitting headache lurching on to her like a hungry mosquito to a blood vessel.

"Hallo! Ori are you okay?" Thecla answers her voice sounding groggy like she had just woken up. A quick clearing of the throat helped as her voice getting clearer in the end."Umm if by okay you mean having the feeling of being burnt to death then yes I am better than okay." She chuckles at her own joke. This was sad, it was worse than watching a car wreck. Thecla sits up on her bed feeling the burning sensation of the stretch in her back. "Do you want me to come over?" "No!...not that... I was not calling you for that. I need you to do something for me. I need you to send Oden a message. You see am going to do it tonight." "wait am I getting this right, tonight? You want to talk to him tonight. Are you sure you are ready?" "I have no choice, this marriage thing is going to happen whether I like it or not. It's happening very fast too fast for anything to be planned out."

                             Thecla accepts putting down her cell phone. Sitting in her bed for a while afraid for her friend and her plan. No matter what she needed to be there for Oriela just in case things go south.She calculates a number of options. She loved the Odriela relationship, it gave hope to a brighter future even though it was just a fantasy. Why does it have to happen like this? Did all the sacrifices the two made for each other not seem enough for mercy from the universe, had each other's love been for nothing. All the love they had for each other was real too, it didn't deserve to end like this. Thecla knew that sooner or later the make belief fairy tale story was going to bring out chaos, a lot of chaos. So they all lied to each other until they believed it would end up worth something . She would have loved to shove the bloodhound's ass to his face. This was too much to handle. But for her friends sake she leaves for the bathroom to get cleaned up and tell Oden his soon to be beginning of a sad story.

                                   "Hallo Arthur can you please come over fast." "Sure  why me thou? You could have called Jayden." "A little education the phone list starts with alphabetical letter A. Should I proceed genius.Get your ass down here." "Wow my little book worm you are so demanding." The little nickname at the end makes Thecla hang up tired of his annoying behaviour putting a smile on the boy's face. "Such a mood. The omega wolves used to warn us against dating red haired ones Addison was hell but you Thecla are something else." Despite the fact that it was an annoying cold morning to have himself walking out he puts on his shirt and jumper rushing over to the meadow in wolf form. His loud up and about surprises his father who wakes up in need to know what his son was up to so early. He gets out of bed with a well prepared lecture on the essence of silence while they were still sleeping only to sense a presence out the window. His dark eyes just like Arthur's dart around outside the window surprised to see the boy superspeeding in his wolf form unknown to where he was going. "Since when did Arthur fancy taking a run in the morning?" His thoughts get interrupted by his little girl, the youngest pup in the family of four had woken up for her morning feed since he was already alert and his wife was dog tired he stays in to tend to her needs. "I guess I'll ask him later."

THE CONTINUATION OF THE BLOODY WAR.2🐺☑️ Complete and Edited.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora