Once  they had finished opening up the gifts, Sally-Ann brought them, Skyanne asked her mother if she could go back outside to play. " Sure you can sweetheart, " her mother answered.

They sat talking about Paris and what it was like, when suddenly there was a knock on the front door.
" Holy  crap, I wonder who that could be, " Karen said almost jumping out of her seat. " Who is it? " " It's me Steven ", he said. " Just a minute, I'm actually on the phone right now with a client, " she called out to her brother, while looking straight at Sally-Ann; who happened to be turning white from panicking.
" Oh no, please tell me this isn't happening - I can't deal with your brother right now, " Sally-Ann said hitting the panic button. " Calm down, there's no need to blow a gasket - just go down there and hide in the back room. I'll come get you once he's gone, Karen said  pointing to the back bedroom. " And what about Skyanne, she's still outside playing -  what are you going to do  if she happens to come back inside looking for me? " Sally-Ann said with a  worried look on her face. " Not to worry , I got it all under control. Stop worrying you worry-wart and just hide before my charming brother kicks the front door down, " Karen told her friend, as she tried hurrying her along. " And stop giving me that look Sally-Ann. " she said heading towards the front door and opening it.

" Well it's about time - what took you so long? " Steven asked  as he came inside. " I  was on the  phone with a client and Luke was outsde taking the washing off the line. What seems to be the problem? " Karen asked. " No problem, was just wondering if you guys are free tomorrow night , as I'm throwing a surprise  birthday party at the Sundowner for Amanda and I'd like it very much if you guys could join me " he said. " Sorry can't - got plans already  made, " Karen said telling her  brother  a little white lie. " Oh great, the one person I thought I could rely on turns me down.... Gee's thanks a lot sis! " he said. " Now I'll have to go cancel my booking I made and change my plan's once again. "  " Enough with the guilt trip, okay brother dear, " she told him.

Right at that very moment Skyanne came back inside, took a look around and couldn't see her mother anywhere. " Aunty Karen, where's my Mummy gone? " she asked with a worried look on her little face. " Your mother step out for a minute, she'll be back soon sweetheart,"Karen told her niece.

" And what may your name be sweetheart? " Steven asked. " My name is Skyanne Neil and I'm 5 yrs old. My Mummy's name is. . . . "
" Um Skyanne honey, why dont you run along and go play. I'll call you once your mother's back, " Karen said cutting her niece short. "
Okay Aunty Karen, " Skyanne said  heading back outside to play.

" Cute kid. .... her mother must be one hell of a stunner, " Steven coaxed. " As a matter of a fact, Skyannes mother is a model and a very good friend of mine. I'm surprised that you haven't seen her picture on the front of a magazine somewhere before, " Karen told him.
" Nope,  can't  say I have, but I'd love too meet her one day and if by any chance I have a little girl later on down the track, I hope she's just as cute as this little girl, " he said. " If only you knew, " Luke  muttered under his breath. " What was that Luke? " Steven asked.
" Oh  nothing, just  something I remembered I had to do today, " Luke said  as he got up and went to the kitchen.

" Best I get moving than if I'm to cancel that booking I made, " he said  heading towards the front door.  "Oh for fuck's sake, enough  with the guilt trip Steven, we'll be there  okay, I'm  sure we can  change  our plans, " she said starting to  plot a plan together.  " Great, I knew I could count on you sis. See you tomorrow night, 7pm sharp at the Sundowner, " he waved goobye. " Sure thing, " she said  giving him the thumbs-up. " Bye now, " she said  shuttig the front door  behind him.

No sooner had she shut the door, Luke was standing there in the lounge-room with a puzzled look on his face.
" What, what did I do now?"she asked.
" Mind telling me what exactly it is your up too and why on earth would you tell your brother that we'd be there tomorrow night for Amanda birthday. Haven't you forgotten one small detail? " he asked. " I 'm not up to anything  Luke,  what  makes you think that? "
" Um, let me see..... you just agreed too meeting your brother tomorrow night for a surprise birthday party and have seemed to have forgotten about our house guest Sally-Ann, "  he statted.
" Nope, haven't forgotten anything - I'm about to work on that now,"she said picking up the phone and dialing her friend.
" Who are you calling? " Luke asked her.  " Im  calling  my friend Betty to ask if she can look after Skyanne tomorrow night, " she said  waiting for  Betty to pick the phone up.  " Your not serious! "he asked.

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