Ch 1. What Is Going On?

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I Gabrielle was walking up to the entrance of my apartment building in Toronto with a bag of groceries. As I opened the front door and made my way to the elevator I glanced behind me nervously. It felt as though I was being watched, not necessarily by something bad though it did make me shiver. I quickly opened the door to my apartment and set the groceries down on the counter. After unpacking everything I decided to finish the last episode of Good Omens. I had been pretty disappointed that there were only 6 episodes but they were amazing so I didn't feel too sad.

An hour later and I was beaming at the fact that everything ended up perfect for my favorite Angel and Demon. I began getting ready for bed and did my nightly prayer.' Dear God. I wish I could help Aziraphale and Crowley realize how in love with each other they are and give them something worth living for other than themselves. Also a chance to help Crowley get redeemed. Amen.' I mentally prayed before turning the lights off and drifting to bed.

God's POV

Unknown by Gabrielle the wish was heard by me and I was quite intrigued by this interesting revelation. I teleported into Gabrielle's room and looked contemplatively at the 21-year-old sleeping girl, before placing my hands on her forehead letting a drop of my essence into the girl.

"I will give you a chance to help my beautiful creations. Good luck darling, You'll need it for what's to come." I whispered softly into the human's ear. I watched as her face shifted before relaxing again. I waved my hand and the girl disappeared.

Third POV

In an alternate reality, the Anti-Christ is being born but somethings different. Instead of a boy, a baby girl is brought into the world shocking the Demon's who are being handed the baby. Hastur and Ligur are the Demon's chosen to hand over the Anti-Christ to Crowley. Looking worried about the child's potential they forced their opinions down and headed out to meet the Demon Crowley.

Gabrielle's POV

When I woke-up I instantly knew something was different. The first thing I noticed was that the world was blurry and I could see anything but vague shapes, the second thing was that I found myself realizing was that I couldn't speak. I was panicking and was about to scream when I heard a scarily familiar voice cursing.

"SHIT! Shit, shit, shit, shit!! Why me!" The male voice chanted before what I assumed was a car swerved slightly making me slide to the other side of the vehicle. If I was my normal self I would have paled drastically at those words.' That was Crowley. I'm in Good Omens. What the hell!' I thought in a weird fusion of confusion, fear, and excitement. I tried to look over at the now identified Crowley but found myself unable to see his shape.

After what felt like hours we screeched to a halt. I heard the front door open and close before the back door opened and I was lifted out of the Bently as I knew that was the car Crowley had always driven. I was nervous since I knew that Adam must not exist which was a scary thought as I didn't know how that would change the story. I contemplated the idea of changing the story but quickly realized that might have drastic consequences. I snapped back to focus as I saw a face peering at me and cooing in a highly irritating manner.

"Is that her?" The Nun I couldn't be bothered with remembering the name of asked curiously.

"Yup." Crowley said with an annoyed tone.

"Only I'd expected funny eyes or teensy-weensy little hoofikins. Or a little tail." The nun said still cooing at me. I wish I had my powers so I could make her disappear.

"It's definitely her." Crowley muttered sounding like he wanted to be anywhere but here.

"Fancy me holding the Antichrist. Counting her little toesie-woesies. Do you look like your daddy? I bet he does. Do you look like your daddy-waddykins?" The nun continued. I wanted to throw her across the room she was so annoying.

"She doesn't. Take her up to room three." Crowley said before turning to leave. I began crying in protest at being away from someone I trusted. I wanted to be with Crowley and Aziraphale.

"Room three. Do you think she'll remember me when she grows up?" The nun asked curiously as she stopped the annoying cooing. I sighed in relief.

"Pray that she doesn't." Crowley responded before leaving. I cried loudly as I was switched around and eventually ending up with Adam's or my parents.

I was scared, to be honest as I didn't want them as my parents. I decided to erase their memories of me when I reached 5 years old. Perhaps if I lived in an orphanage I could convince Aziraphale to adopt me. I watched as my temporary mother looked over at me.

"Hello, Eve." Mom whispered softly. I cringed not liking the name at all. I would change it to something else when I grew up though so I just accepted my fate.


The first year of my life was boring, to say the least. I was unable to do anything I wanted and was always expecting an attack from someone. I was able to learn how to talk within 6 months and was walking at age 1. I was trying to train myself to learn as many languages as I could including but not limited to Latin, Spanish, French, German, and Russian. I was wanting to seem like I knew what I was doing. My parents were overjoyed that I was such a fast learner. I had thought this was because I was a 22-year-old stuck in a 1-year-old body, but when someone came to give me an IQ test the results shocked me.

I was currently staring at the results in surprised curiosity. I could barely believe it. I had an IQ score of 267. That was a world record, but it was probably because I wasn't fully human. I shrugged as I returned the test results to my mother. She took them from me before telling me to go to my room. I nodded and walked up the stairs to my starlight decorated room.

I made my way over to the novel on my bed and picked it up. It was a Warrior Cat novel and was one of my favorite book series. I flipped to the front page and began reading. As I continued to read part of my mind drifted to that odd connection that I had with Crowley which I was sure Adam hadn't had in the series. I just shrugged the feeling off and closed my book before heading to bed.

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