Chapter 42

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⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️

Third Person POV
It was the week after Christmas and Andy was helping Chandler set up his new phone that he got.

"What's this for?" Chandler asked, pointing at one of the square apps. "That's Maps. It's for your GPS when you don't know where you wanna go." Andy answered.

"A-Andy thank you so much for this. I don't know how I can repay you." Chandler said, turning the phone off.

"Chandler you don't have to repay me, it was a Christmas gift. You are very appreciative and that makes me happy but you've gotta learn how to accept gifts." Andy chuckled.

"I-I'm sorry I've just never had anything this nice before." Chandler replied and leaned into Andy's side and hugged him.

"Daddy, can you help me put together my remote control airplane?" Payton ran into the room excitedly.

"Sure sweetheart." Andy said and left Chandler's room.

Chandler grabs slip of paper from his nightstand drawer that Laura gave him a while ago that had her number on it. Instead of using the home phone, he can text her now.

He just finished making her contact when there was a knock on the front door.

"I got it!" Chandler called out to Andy and went to answer it.

When he opened it, Zay was looking back at him with a wooden box in his hand. Chandler looked up at him, confusion lacing his features.

"It's uh...a late Christmas present, if you will." Zay said and handed the box to Chandler.

Chandler motioned for Zay to come inside and they went to the living room. "Open it." Zay prompted.

"Alright alright." Chandler opened the small box. Inside was an old yo-yo, with a broken string and his name written on it. With a backwards d and backwards e's.

Chandler grinned a little and stared at it.
"Y-you kept this? Why?" He asked.

"I'm not exactly sure but, I'm really sorry, Chandler." Zay said quietly.

"Oh c'mon, man. Don't feel bad, this was like what? Third Grade?" Chandler pointed out and put the box down.

"Doesn't matter. I still did it, it still happened. I don't know why you ever forgave me, I don't even forgive me." Zay said shaking his head.

Chandler sighed and sit beside him.

"It's the past, man. It happened, yes, but it's not like we can change it now. Don't beat yourself up about it." He said and Zay sighed.

"I'm trying to forget about it but I can't. I made your life miserable all because I thought you had a better dad than me. What kind of reason is that? Plus you didn't even have a happy home life to begin with and here comes me, a spoiled brat ready to ruin your life even more." He lowered his head in shame.

"You were hurting too. You still are, because I know it doesn't just go away. Someone who was supposed to be there for you, to teach you  things like how to drive and shave and treat a woman walked out on you. He left you, and I know it hurts, Zay. You've gotta stop holding a grudge against yourself, you're still directing your anger at the wrong person." Chandler said, putting a hand on Zay's shoulder.

A tear slid down Zay's face and he wiped it away furiously.

"H-he didn't want me. He doesn't even write to me. But I'm just being stupid and ungrateful because at least I have mom, I don't need him right?" Zay asked.

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