Chapter 40

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Halloween night {Third Person POV}

The night was going well so far, Laura had convinced Andy to let Chandler go to a party with her, Zay, and Parker.

Autumn was going to meet them there.

Chandler wasn't really in the mood, they had already forced him to wear a black and purple jacket and dark eye-makeup to look like his character.

Don't know why I need eye-makeup. I already have bags under my eyes. Chandler thought.

After the party, the kids planned to meet back up with Andy and Payton and trick or treat a little bit.

"This is gonna be so much fun." Parker said, adjusting his fake glasses as they headed down the street to where the party was being held.

"I guess." Chandler muttered.

"Ya know, Virgil absolutely loves Halloween. And you want to be an actor. So how about, be your character for tonight. We showed you more than enough videos to know how he acts." Parker suggested, slightly agitated.

"Virgil's creepy." Chandler muttered.

"Well then be creepy!" Laura smiled. "I-I can try." Chandler mumbled.

"Have you guys ever been to a Halloween party? Because this is a first for me." Zay said.
"What do you think?" Chandler asked in response.

Zay scoffed and smiled. "I haven't either. Going to parties in general is something I just started doing." Parker answered.

"Okay, good. I'm not alone." Zay nodded.

"You already know I've been to quite a few. First one was when I was ten. It was...interesting." Laura said.

"Interesting how?" Chandler asked.

"Well, I was a ten year old at a party with a bunch of high school drunks. The cousin that brought me was nowhere to be found, I ended up in the treehouse in the backyard. I don't even know who's house that was to this day." Laura shrugged.

"And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why you wait until high school to attend parties." Parker said, earning laughs from his friends.

"Hey, we're here." Zay said and nodded his head towards the house in front of them.

"Alright. Come on guys." Laura says and leads them to the front porch.

"Hey, wait. This is the street I used to live on.My old house is down that way. " Chandler said, pointing down the street.

"Huh, I see it. Still has caution tape around it...shouldn't they take it down and try to sell it? They act like someone got killed in there." Parker pointed out.

"That's true. Maybe it's because all our stuff is still in there." Chandler shrugged.

"Which reminds me, you guys go in and I'll come a little later. I'll be right back." He added.

"Why? You're going to the house? For what?" Laura questioned and Chandler grinned. "You worry a lot. I'm just going to get something and I'll be right back." He answered.

"The door is probably locked and you probably shouldn't go alone..." Zay said warily.

"I'll be alright, guys. Just gooooo." Chandler said, drawing out to 'O'.

They reluctantly went inside and Chandler made his way to his old house. He hoped the lights still worked, but probably not.

When he got to the end of the street, he walked into his yard with grass up to his knees and carefully walked up the broken porch.

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