Drug indused coma?!

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Talia POV

I knock on the door three times *knock* *knock* *knock* and I waited two minutes but Simon never opened the door, I shouted looking through the peephole "Siiimmmooonnn!" To wish there was no response or no shadow through the peephole. I sigh in fustration and put all the shopping bags on the floor before opening my purse and I quickly dig around to find the apartment keys. I put them in the key hole and swing open the door and I put the shopping in the fridge before I turn around to see Simon out cold on the floor with the champagne all over the floor meaning he hadn't had more than a glass. I ran over to him "SIMON!" I say running over to him and go to heck his pulse and see glass fragments all in his hand sticking out as he bled slowly. I started to cry and I broke down by Simon and I grab his hand and sobb next to his body, and I put to finger on the side of his neck and feel a pulse which reliefs some of the stress but he was still passed out bleeding and helpless. Suddenly I heard a bang of something hit the floor and I turn around to see gee and Freya running towards me shocked after dropping their present they comforted me and checked out Simon "babes are you all right?" Freya said to me as I sob shaking my head and she Higgs me before her start assessing Simon before saying worriedly "we need to get him to hospital NOW" and Freya escorts me to the car before Freya and gee pick him up together and take him to Freya's car too. Freya say in the drivers seat whast gee sat in the front passenger seat and I sat on the backseat with Simon slouched over on my lap and I held his uncut hand still crying and hugging his almost lifeless body. We got to the hospital and his face was almost pale, like the blood had just drained from his face and it started to worry us more and Freya and gee picked him out from the car and took him to he hospital with me by his side. The nurse's quickly came to our attention and rushed over with a hospital bed and we laid him in that as they quickly wheeled him over to a proper hospital bed and hooked him up to a heartbeat monitor and did some blood tests after his state was confirmed to be stable. Eventually the nurse came back over with a notepad and sat me down on a chair next to Simon and started asking me some questions "hey honey I know this is hard for you and a lot is on your mind right now but your pregnant and we need to keep the baby safe so trying breathing slow like this" and she starting mimicking a slow breathing teqnique and once ide calmed down she proceeded "so do you know what happened for him to get in this state?" And I shook my head and replied "no I was out shopping and I came back to him like this" and my throat started to tighten up as I held back my tears to pay attention and keep answering the questions. "Has your partner ever had a drug history of any sorts?" And I replied concernedly "no why?" And she looked at her notebook and proceeded to say "well it seems he's in a drug induced coma and most likely won't wake up for another couple of days." And I sigh wiping my eyes and look up st the nerds "do you know what drug or something like that?" To which she nods and proceeds to look at her notes saying "well to put it into simple terms it causes the outside bodily functions fro example eyes, limbs etc...to stop functioning for a certain amount of time" and the nurse leaves the room before Freya and gee  enter the room and sit down next to me comforting me "looks like they did a good job getting the glass out" gee said looking at simons partly bandaged hand laying lifelessly against the soft mattress of the hospital bed, freya stroked my short light hair as i sat next to simon on a chair. "hey babes wanna come and stay at mine for the next couple nights whast simon gets better?" freya sais with her hand on my hsoulder and i turn around and ligthly smile before looking back to simon "will josh mind?" i say before freya picks up my handbag for me and sais "no hell be fine with it, we have a spare bedroom in our new apartment so you can stay there for a few nights" and we all three of us girl get up and walk out to the car park before gettin in freya's car and dropping gee off a the tower and we drive to freya and josh's new apartment. the door is opened by josh who looks a bit sad so i guess he has heard about simon from frey, i take my things as freya leads me to the spar room and when we get there i dump my things by the bed and lay on the comfy mattress and sigh deeply. i quickly get up and peep round the corner of the door "hey freya can i use the shower in here?" and she responds "yes talia its your room for the next couple of days" and we both smile and i go and take off all my clothes and step into the shower and turn on the nice warm water as it splashes over my face and i begin to sing better as i scrub away at my hair. about 15 minutes later i hop out the shower and dry my hair before getting changed and i lay in my bed. i imagine simon snuggling up next to me with his hands wrapped around me as he gives me a nice soft kiss on the cheek, a tear begins to roll down my cheek slowly as i begin to think about him but i didnt want to wipe it...i wanted to think about him and freya had promised me that we could visit him everyday until he got released from hospital.

2 days later

Simon POV

i slowly open my eyes squinting them at the bright light above me facing me, i rub my eyes and look around to see talia holding my hand that was bandaged whast on her phone. i lightly grunt and she turns her head to see me up "SIMON!" she shouts excitedly as she jumps up onto the hospital bed and givs me the biggest hug ever. after a minute we both pull away and we kiss on the lips softly and before i curiously ask "how long have i been out for?" to which she smiles and sais "two days?!" i say before we both giggle and she huggs me again. a nurse walks in and quickly explains that i should now be drug free and discharges me from the hospital and talia rings up freya and josh to come pick us up and shortly after we were waiting in the waiting room before they both showed up. they both hugged me and we quickly hopped in freya's car and drove off and she stopped off at our apartment and gives talia her stuff before they see us on our way back up to the apartment. we enter the lift before talia smiles and sais "i cleaned up your mess" and we both giggle before i say "thanks" and i kiss her cheek and we interlock hands and exit the lift before entering our apartment...

hi guys sorry for the shorter chapter but im feeling a tiny but ill, hopefully it will clear up in a few days! im not sure if were ready to skip to the birth yet or is there still room for more build up? please tell me in the comments: ready or build up? Ps thanks to kcnzies and HollyMccallum5 for the chapter idea🙌🏼✨🙌🏼

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