

" Leave my way Arnav.. I'm not doing anything."

" Your husband is not that cruel Khushi.. He has another option with him in case you fail to do so.."

Her jaw dropped.. That meant he had already known what reaction he would be getting from her while saying so and was prepared for next option. Arnav Singh Raizada does known how to play his cards.

Arnav added after a bit pause.

"Tell me that You Love Me.."

Why was he playing with like this?? Khushi asked herself. Confessing to Arnav and that too at this close proximity was never easy for her as that was tickling her sense. She does not even know whether she would ever be able to gather her Courage to confess her feelings in words to him easily. Though she had already confessed her feeling to him over phone, but repeating the same at present seem tough.

She does not understand why, but sometime talking about her own feeling towards him, becomes so difficult on her part!!

Arnav was noticing her facial expression, who says men are more reserved while accepting or declaring their feelings, they should give a look at this woman!!

" I'm waiting Khushi. You have two options and I'm totally ok with whatever you will be accepting, trust me!!"

He acted all innocent, Khushi tried to test her luck.

" I think, we should go.. All are waiting for us there."

" Sure.."

Khushi gave a half smile and turned to go but was again pinned on pillar.

"Not so soon Khushi.. First this, then everything!!"


"Arnav, Kaira is calling me!!"

"I can hear that Khushi. If you are waiting for everyone to join us, then fine let's fulfill that wish of yours and let others come here one by one."

Khushi could feel that disappointment in his tone.

"Arnav.. Please!!"

For next few seconds, Arnav did not say anything or did anything and surprising her he just  stepped back from her reach giving her enough space to walk away from him.

" There is no meaning of saying anything with so much pressure.. I'll not ask you again!!"

Before Khushi could say anything in defense of her or to clarify her, Arnav said.

" Go.. All are waiting for you!!" (he stressed on All subtracting himself from that list.)

She noticed his fallen face , she tried to call him from behind finding him walking away but he did not stop. Her eyes were down, did she fail him??

Will she ever be able to set aside this kind of gesture of her for him?? Why does she behave like so, when he acts all mature with her?? Why can't she just understand him the way he understands her.. She had never felt this guilty. Expressing her feelings in words has always been an heavy task for her, she was never good with words! 


Arnav excused from everyone almost after watching half of the movie and left from there directly upstairs. He neither stopped any where not looked back at her, Khushi's heart felt heavy earning this reaction from his end. It hurt her when he ignored her, it hurt her when he did not acknowledge her presence like he usually does. Khushi bit her lower lip, gluing her eyes on TV screen.

Arshi FF- My Little Bride (Completed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora