A lone tear escape from her eyes, few more days left and then she has to leave...

She don't want to but she did not had any other option and ANY DAMN RIGHT to live here after that...

Khushi could not help but remember the incident of that stormy night few months before, which make her world upside down ....



Everything had started 5 months before when in a stormy night, Khushi Basu has to leave her so called home. Because that night, her step mother crossed all the line of tolerance...that night for few bundle of money, she almost forced Khushi to sleep with a man of his father age... after the sudden death of Khushi's father, Khushi's life was miserable..Her home became a open place where vultures in human form had a grand entry...Money was the only thing that Garima  Basu knew, and for that she can go to any extend...So, finally Khushi has to run..to save her dignity..

But her weak, starved body could not help her much.. She run without looking ahead where she was going and bang with a car...

After almost a week, when Khushi Basu opened her eyes, she got panicked seeing the grand room where she was placed, she was about to come down from the bed when a dark, authoritative voice stop her in her track, " DON'T"....

Slowly looking at the front Khushi Basu was mesmerized by the aura of the Man infront of her.. clad in a three piece suit, hair jelled perfectly, a cold patience was visible in his otherwise handsome face.. Khushi's eyes longer on the burn marks on the left side of his face but it was his eyes, his dark, intense brown eyes which caged Khushi..they were so transparent, so honest... Khushi was amazed and was surprised by her own behavior. She was literally checking out a stranger and for the first time in years, Khushi Basu did not get scared in front of this Stranger...

Strange, is not it?

" Tum theek ho?" ( Are you alright?)" The deep, husky voice of that stranger broke her thought and immediately she felt tears in her eyes... how long? How long it had been when someone showed concern towards her?? Tears slowly found their way and she did not wipe them... She felt relieved, as if someone is putting a soothing balm on her bruised heart...

" Bahat Dard ho raha hai?( is it paining a lot?), Don't cry, I will call the doctor." His concerned filled voice broke the chains of thought of Khushi and immediately she stopped him, "Please don't. Don't bother for me. I will be alright."

"Are you a doctor?" The man asked in a stern voice and Khushi nodded a no, "Then shut up." Though the stranger uttered those words in rude way but Khushi felt the hidden concern for her and it again touch her soul..

After half an hour later when the doctor left the room, Khushi sigh a relief. As per the doctor, Khushi is physically fit.. So, she makes a decision not to burden the man anymore. Already he has done enough..

" Suniye.. How long I am here?" Khushi asked slowly.

" 6 days 19 hours 45 minutes 36 no 37 second precisely." The man's reply make Khushi dumbfounded.. the stranger taking care for her for so long and remembering every minute details??

" Thank....Thank you.." Khushi whispered overwhelmed. No one has taken care of her so much after her mother's death... she failed to hold back her tears.

" Hei.. don't thank me... I have my selfish reasons and don't cry all the time, I hate tears." His intimated voice forced Khushi to look at his face.

" I need a favor from you, a help actually." The stranger informed.

Favor ? Help ?? How on earth she suppose to help someone when she is a nobody?? Khushi's thought breaks when the stranger again spoke.. " I will talk to you tomorrow regarding few matters, take proper rest today and sleep well." With that the stranger was about to leave but halted in his track hearing a soft, "suniye"..

|| Beauty and The Beast || ( Completed) [ #WIA2021]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें