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I want to go on an adventure
I want to gallop on the backs of horses
And machete my way through
Dangerous jungles
And trek across mountains

I want to follow maps
And my heart
In every direction
Find the North Star
Let it lead me home

I want to have the wind carry me
Or feel glorious waves
Crash underneath a boat
Captained by me

I want to breathe whimsy - and life
Back out into the planet
I want to feel free

I want to be rescued from the tower
In my mind
I want my prince to slay
The dragon of fear
And worry that keeps me
Locked away

I want to be saved
I want to be the princess
In someone else's story
And have the Happily Ever After
I always dreamed of

But instead
I am the one
Who locked the castle gates
I slammed dungeon doors
I threw away the key

Only because I know
That I am meant for no such adventures
I am the child who hides behind thick curtains 
And unfulfilled wishes

I am the one who sits in the dark
Waiting for the word - for the prince
For the savior
And I pretend I didn't hear him
When he comes knocking

And in the darkest corners I dream of
Wild winds whipping through my hair
The jostling speed of a running steed

I can smell the spices of village markets
And I can hear the crunch
The crack
Of forest floors
Beneath my feet

I fix my crown in the darkness
For no one to see because
One day
I will open the door
One day
I will have my adventure
One day
I will set myself free

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