*Twenty One*

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 "So you had no clue he was coming?"

 " Yep! "

 "And he just figured he's be able to stay for a week at your house?" I laugh at Amie's questioning over the phone.

 " He was aloud over Alli's if he couldn't stay here but yeah, he pretty much figured. "

 "And now he's going out with you again." I sigh and run the temples on my forehead though she could not see this action.

 " It's more like I'm taking him out even though he's the one who asked me. " she laughed from the other end and I shook my head at how that came out.

 "Doesn't surprise me.  I've got to go, Ethan's calling.  Remember, he so much as says something off I'm down in Ohio.  Don't hold back girl, Alli can give me your address just as easily as she gave it to Lije."

 "Thanks for the offer but I think we'll be fine.  Bye Amie." I say ending the call with my friend.  My house consisted of a living room, family room, kitchen, dining room, two bathrooms, two master bedrooms and I smaller bedroom.  One master bedroom was my parents, the other was mine.  We're not rich or anything but I have a bed and a couch in my room.  Nothing fancy, like I said but still more than one place to sleep.  Elijah has put his bag on the couch, claiming it his own while I was on the phone.

 "Well I was gonna offer you the bed but I guess if you want that old thing you can...." At that he took it upon himself to cannonball into my bed.  I laughed as he threw a pillow at me and I threw it back in return.  I hear a pound on the door and instantly it opens without waiting for an answer.  Avery is standing  there with her hands on her hips.

 " I heard intensive giggling.... " she started glaring at me.  "And I want in." She finished, grinning and picking up her own pillow she hid behind her.  Elijah laughed.

 " I like her. " he said and threw a pillow at Avery.  She fought it and stick her tongue out at him.

 "Mine now fool!" She yelled running out of the room with it in her hand.  I grin at Elijah.

 " Jokes on you, she gives no mercy to strangers from across the US. " I inform him and he rolls his eyes, standing up to chase her.  I grab his wrist and shake my head.  "Let her go, you can use mine." 

 " Man you Ohioans are weird. " he says smiling.  I shove him causing both of us to almost fall off my bed.

 "Shut up, idiot."


Elijah POV

Y/N's family was really nice and open.  Avery, well she was somebody all together, just like Y/N has told me.  It had been only three days of staying with the L/N's and I was enjoying myself.  

 " Hey, Y/N, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go out tonight?  Just the two of us, maybe dinner and a movie. " I ask Y/ N as we walk into her room where I was staying.

"Sounds basic." She comments plopping down on her bed. I say across from her one her small pull-out couch.

"You should know by now that I can be a basic guy sometimes.  Especially in these strange foreign lands." She laughs at that and nods her head.

"Sounds like fun, you sure you know where you're going? "

"I've got it under control by now.... Plus I have a GPS in my car sooo... " 

"Ah, the GPS.  A good choice for these weird foreign lands. " Y/N commented, smirking at me.  "When we goin?"

" Right now is fine with me. " I say and she stands up.

"Sure, just let me change first and I'll be ready to go." I nod as she stands up and walks over to her drawer, picking out some clothes to wear.  She takes them out to the hall where she entered the restroom.  I look around her room as I wait.  There's her bed, two dressers, a desk next to her bed, and a bookshelf with a beanbag chair next to it.  She has pictures of people hanging up and some posters of random shows.  I stand up and walk over to her desk where most of her pictures are sitting.

Avery, her with her parents, I see lots with Alli, some with other people I don't know, I even see Amie and Christy.  Heck, even Ethan, Sub, Alex, and Denis are there in one big group shot.  But the one I stare at is of me and her.  Her head was in my lap and I was stroking her hair.  It was in one of our first dates.  I smile at it longingly until I hear somebody clear their voice from behind.

"Snoopin, are we?" Y/ N asks walking into the room wearing something a little nicer than before.  I shrug.

"It's not my fault you have an incredibly attractive man on your desk." She punches my shoulder lightly and I add, " with an even more attractive girl. " she rolls her eyes as we walk out the front door.

"Where you guys going so late at night?" Avery asks coming up from behind.  I could tell she was only half focused on giving her sister a hard time because she was staring at her phone.

" Its not that late Avery, give it a rest. " she smirked and starting walking up the stairs.

"Yknow what?  I-" she rolls her eyes at herself. "I'm not in the mood right now.  So instead, insert witty sass used just to annoying you two. " she finished her way up the stairs and I laughed at Y/N's expression.

"She thinks she's so funny sometimes." She said almost half to herself.


I could feel Y/N's head against my shoulder as the movie played, her chest rising and falling slowly with every breathe she took.  Occasionally she would mumble to herself in her sleep but was never disturbed by the loud sounds around her.  I played with her hair instead of watching the movie, it's long Y/H/C locks soft.  I smiled to myself remembering that this is how it used to be, and how it could be now.



Are we officially dating again?


Do I still love him?


Did we go out a lot over the spand of a week?


I was at the airport waving off Elijah as he boarded.  Alli have him a hug and so did I.  

"I'll see you soon, I promise." I say still embracing him.

" I know... " he says giving me a small peck on my head.  "Love you." He said before parting and walking away.

" Love you too! " I called after him as he disappeared in the crowd of people.  I felt Alli nudge me with a huge grin on her face.  Her eyes were wide and she was pointing at me.

"I knew it!  I knew it!  I knew it!  I knew itt! " she exclaimed, gleaming at me.  I smirked and started walking away.

"Knew what?"

"Knew that you never got over him!" She said catching up with me.  "Admit it Y/N!  Well I mean, you just did, but are you saying again?  I k is that's what you both want so just make up alreadyy!" I laugh at my friends enthusiasm.

" I love how you care more about my love life than your own. "

 "What love life?. I have one of those?"

" Whatever.  And how would you know that he still likes me? " she faceplate while shaking her head.

"Y/N, he came all the way out here to apologize, and then you went out with him more times than I could count, plus you dated him before.  What else do you need to know? "

"I was giving you a hard time, relax.  YEs, he asked me to be his girlfriend again."

" Ans? "

"And I said that if consider it."

" Y/N!!! "

"Okay, okay, I accepted." She stopped walking and hugged me.

" See?  Sometimes you just need a friend who's willing to give out your address for a cute guy! " I punch her lightly and we resume walking.

 "Yeah, we'll go with that. "

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