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*Small mention of self harm in this but not a lot*


It was as if the others could read my mind because when I grew silent, staring at my phone, they all frowned and grew silent too.  Elijah rubbed my back as I looked through everything that has blown up my phone.

There were texts, posts, even Photoshop pictures along with threats.  I run my fingers through my hair and sigh, standing up.

 "I- I need to be alone...." I say walking away from my friends and throwing myself brown into my bed.  I sit there with a pillow on my lap and my phone in my hands.

 " She doesn't belong! "

 "She's a liar!" 

 " She stole Caitlyn's guy! "

 "He doesn't love her!"

 " What does he see in her?  Exactly, nothing! "

 "I WILL get my guy back Y/N L/N."

 I scroll through all the posts on social media and re-read them.  Then I look at the photos.  They're mainly just sh*t about me, my looks, my attitude, my boyfriend....  I noticed not only Caitlyn is against me, there are others too.  As far as I know they're really people and not just fake accounts for her own clout.  Suddenly the room changes to my old house back in Ohio.

|| "Don't you dare!" I shout to Alli, rapidly clicking the buttons of my old DS.

 "They better not!" She shouts back pressing her own buttons.  I quickly glance off the screen and look at my friend, Lucas.  He sat there with his DS in hand but staring off into space rather than the game.

 "Lucas!  There is literally a Boo in front of you!  Lucas!" I shout returning my focus to the game.

 " What? " he tells looking at me full of frustration.

 "Game." Is all I answer.  Alli groans and tossed her D'S across the floor.

 "It doesn't matter now.  Game over." I groan too and stand up looking at Lucas.

 "What's wrong?  Normally you love Luigi's Mansion." I complain to my four-eyed friend.  He shrugs and Alli pokes him.

 "What's up now?  You lettin their words get to you again?"

 "Well it's not my fault their right! " he exclaims in fury, throwing his game down.  "I am just an ugly nerd!  Because in this stupid world, being smart is a bad thing.  Wearing glasses and having braces is stupid!  Reading for fun is idiotic and liking your own gender is retarded and gross!  Because so am I and they're all right!  I don't belong here!  And I never have!" He storms out of my room and I stare at Alli in shock.  

 "W- wait! " I tell and Alli grabs my arm as I stand up to run after him.

"Don't bother.  Maybe we'd be better without him." I shake my hand free, not believing what my best friend just said.

" No!  I won't!  We're his only friends, he need us! " I run out of my room and to the kitchen where my mom is finishing the dishes.

"Hey, uh, Lucas just left, he said he had some doctors appointment or something?" My mom said and my face grew blank.  " Is something wrong sweety? "

"No ma," I say grabbing a pair of shoes and running out the front door.

"What about Alli? "  I hear her tell but I disregard it.  I followed the sidewalk down to his house two blocks away at full speed.  I reach it and knock on the door.  His mom answers.

"Oh, hello Y/N," she looks around me and then asks. " where's Lucas? " I pull at the ends of my hair and try to think up an excuse.

"I'm right here. " a monotone voice sounds from behind me.  Lucas pushes past me and walks into the house without another word.

"Lucas, I-" 

"Just leave me alone...! Please! " I hear footsteps and the Alan of a door.  His mom smiles at me with a shrug.

"I'll go talk to him, probably a teen thing." I nod slowly and take a smile.

"Yeah... You're probably right.  Is thirteen year olds are... Weird. " I say trying to smile.  She waved and shuts the front door but I just stay in the porch.

"Y/N..." I raise my head and see Alli running up towards the porch.

" Its fine... It's fine... " I say reassuring my friend as I raise to my feet to go home.

"I'm sorry I-"

"I told you, it's fine!" We walk in silence back to my house though we don't continue playing our game.


I remember specifically that was one of the last times we saw our best friend.  He transferred schools to begin with.  We figured we could still hang out with him and stuff but he never seemed to be the same.  Just because most of the bullying stopped he was still miserable, even depressed.  We were thirteen that day, and when w/o he was fourteen he started to cut himself.  After a while the same old people found him on social media and they continued to torment him.  I don't know where he is now, if he's okay or if he gave in to the horrible people's words, but he's not in Ohio and he's not in our lives anymore.  Just because those... Those b*itches couldn't take somebody different from them!  ||

Elijah POV

Everyone is silent for a few minutes, not knowing how to react.  I stand up after a while and slowly walk to Y/N's room.  The door is open and she's pouring years into a pillow clutched to her chest.

She was crying harder than the beginning and was turning words under her breath.  I say down next to her giving her a comforting hug.

"Shh, shh, it's okay." I whisper and stroke her hair.  She doesn't say anything except more murdered words until eventually she fell asleep.  It felt like dejav vu, everything happening the same as the beginning of the year.  I looked at her phone and boiled with anger.  I don't know why Caitlyn is so... Set on making Y/N miserable... But it has to stop.

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