
I looked at the letter I addressed to Dong-Min, every day since that day I wrote the letter, I've questioned throwing it away. For the past month, every day before going to school or work I would just stare at the letter almost taunting me. 


I grabbed my phone from my back pocket, Su-Bin. Clicking the green call button I grabbed my purse and jacket. 

"Jeong-Hui! Where are you?!" I hear Su-Bin yell from the other line.

"Sorry! I lost track of time!" I yelled locking the door of my apartment rushing to her job.

"Did you take a nap?" I could almost imagine her raising her eyebrows and resting her hands on her hips.

"Maybe?" I tried to lie but she could tell I was lying.

"Just hurry," she laughed.

I quickly walked towards Su-Bin's restaurant. I barely got in front of the restaurant and there Su-Bin was waiting for me. "Jeong-Hui!" Su-Bin yelled running up to be and tackling me in a hug.

"Sorry for coming so late," I apologized hugging her back.

"You came five minutes late, it doesn't really matter," Su-Bin grabbed my hand smiling wide, "Come on, let's go to the movies."

"Okay!" I happily said. 

As we walked along the street to go to the movie theaters we linked arms practically skipping there. "Jeong-Hui," Su-Bin said.

"Yes?" I asked looking at her with a smile.

"I have a surprise for you," Su-Bin smirked.

"Is it free popcorn?" I smiled excitingly about free popcorn.

"No!" She playfully pushed me away.

"Really?" I acted upset.

"Really. I have a better surprise for you," she replied with a more serious tone.

"I'm kinda scared now," I laughed a bit. While we were talking, we managed to get to the movie theaters without hurting anything.

"Don't be!" She smiled opening the door for me.

While I paid for the tickets, Su-Bin walked over to buy our snacks. After paying I walked up to Su-Bin who had bought one large popcorn and drink.

"Why did you buy so many snacks?" I asked looking at her struggling to carry all the things.

"I thought you would be really hungry right now," she said.

"I guess..." I grabbed the large popcorn and drink.

Su-Bin pulled me inside the theater, instead of walking to the middle, she walked all the way to the side of the theater. Usually, when we would go to our theater "dates" it would always be filled but today no expect a random stranger was here who had a hood.

"Where are you going? Let's sit here," I grabbed Su-Bin's hand who seemed to want to sit next to the random stranger. 

"No, come on," Su-Bin whispered pulling me.

"No!" I whisper shouted.

"Ugh! Why did you have to sit there!" she turned around and yelled at the random stranger.

"Su-Bin! Don't yell at random strangers!" I whisper shouted at her.

Su-Bin looked at me crying in laugher, "That's not a stranger!"

"Huh? Who is it?" I looked at the stranger confused.

"Jeong-Hui," I squinted my eyes trying to see who it was under the hood.

"Dong-Min?" it took me a while for the thought to fully process in my mind that Dong-Min was actually here.

"Dong-Min!" I yelled pushing Su-Bin out the way to engulf Dong-Min in a hug.

"Jeong-Hui!" Dong-Min yelled back hugging me back.

"I missed you so much!" I yelled too excited.

"I missed you too! How were you?" Dong-Min yelled back with just as much excitement.

"I was good..." I said less excitingly.

"I was good too..." Dong-Min said just as sad as I was.

"Anyways, I'm going to bounce!" Su-Bin yelled walking away.

"Where are you going?" I asked her.


"Weren't we going to," before I could finish my sentence Su-Bin cut me off.

"No, we weren't. Now go hang out with Dong-Min!" She pushed me towards Dong-Min before running away.

Before I could headbutt Dong-Min's chest he caught me and yet I still hit myself against his chest. "Oh! I'm sorry!" I yelled.

"It's okay," Dong-Min smiled at me with his irresistible smile, you didn't hear me say that.

Before I could fully emerge myself in glaze, the lights were dimed, "Oh, the movie is starting."


Hey guys! Guess who's dying! Me! I hate school, I got a slideshow on the first week of school, I'm getting math homework every day, and I just can't do anything. I'm hanging in there so wish me luck. I need to hurry because I only have a few minutes to actually write, I'm trying my best though! Anyways Stan Talent, Stan Astro, be healthy physically and mentally don't die of stress! Thanks for reading! Cya! <3

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