Author's Note

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Thank you for taking a chance on my book but before you continue to read you'll need to know a few things. 

     -Italic Font: means flashbacks and thoughts

     -Bold Font: means my (Author's) thoughts and notes.

     -Asterisk Face (*^*): means different parts of the story. Will be after flashbacks and before Author notes.

     -There will be flashbacks in most chapters so if there is a large piece of text italicized and it has nothing to do with the large piece of text don't be alarmed.

     -All the chapters aren't just from the main character's point of view so if you are ever confused, the character's name is at the beginning of the chapter.

     -The chapters are not in order and some events are written twice but from different perspectives. If you're confused I'll put an order of events in the last chapter so you can go see the order and read it in that order? Just read it the way you want to read it.

Even if you don't read all that please read this disclaimer! This story will cover subjects like domestic abuse and sexual assault so if you get easily triggered by subjects like that please don't read this story.

Hope you enjoy the story! Bye! <3

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