Chapter 4

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"Dong-Min welcome to my house!" Jeong-Hui said opening the house. Jeong-Hui took off her shoes and got slippers for both of us.  

"These are cute," I said pointing towards the slippers which were decorated with stickers. 

"Ah... this... well... it's... it's an interesting story," she said not able to put her finger on how to describe the story of the slippers.

"Well, I'm listening," I smiled looking straight into her eyes.

"Ok well, when I was little I put stickers everywhere, on the fridge, the walls, and even on my face,-" she said before being cut off.

"Your face?" I cut her off laughing.

"Yeah, my face!" she yelled lightly punching my arm laughing along with me.

"And you put them on slippers?" I asked not believing her.

"Where else?" she said in a 'duh' manor.

She walked straight to the living room pulling me along, "Welcome to the living room."

"Are you going to show me your whole house?" I asked. I didn't care as long as I hung out with her, I just wanted to know.

"Of course!" she yelled smiling, laughing along with me.

"Wait. What's that?" I asked pointing to the plant.

"A plant what else?" I asked laughing. 

"No that!" my voice rose pointing to the plant again. Confused she walked towards the plant seeing two little guys there.

"It's Timi and Kimi!" she said pulling the two little toy trolls. 

"You keep trolls in your plants?" I asked laughing.

"Yeah! They're my children! Aren't they cute!" she asked shoving the trolls in my face. Instead of looking at the trolls I looked at her, she had a wide grin on. Her eyes were closed and her cheeks were blushed, forget the trolls she looked beautiful.

"I guess they are pretty cute," I mumbled focusing on her.

"Next let's go to the kitchen," she said putting Timi and Kimi back into the plant and pulling me towards the kitchen. 

"Here's the kitchen!" she yelled my arms spread out, how would it feel like to be hugged by her?

"Are you hungry?" she asked.

"A little," I said. 

"I can't cook that well... but I can try!" she said determinedly, how is she so cute?

"I know how to cook. I can help you," I said smiling.

"I'm in the mood for meat!" she said excitingly. She pulled the marinated bulgogi meat from the fridge placing it onto the counter. Before she closed the fridge I could see lots of juice boxes, that's cute.

I got a pan and we began cooking with chopsticks. "Dong-Min!" Jeong-Hui yelled grabbing my attention before I could ask what happened she fed me. 

"Is it good?" she asked looking for my reaction, a small blush on both of our faces. 

After chewing the beef I looked at her with delight nodding, "It's really good!" 

"Yay! I'll get side dishes to eat with the meat!" she said heading towards the fridge. 

After eating, we walked towards her room, "Here's my room!" 

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