Chapter Forty•Three. Brothers & Sisters

Start from the beginning

Once I heard her close the door, she came into the kitchen and waited for me to grab the glass I was reaching for, her hand was angled differently, pointing toward the front door, still trying to form her question.
"Where's the truck?" Her right eyebrow rose, and the more I thought about all the money I put into it the more I wanted to throw that little twig Gia, into a wall, pummel her into it, and then rip her head off. Like a little boy with his toy truck being smashed under his father's car. That was how I felt, devastation didn't begin to cover it.
"The girl I was studying to kill," I poured a half glass of brandy; since the girls weren't with me and I was stressed, I drank what I poured and then looked at the bottle, remembering what my ex-mother-in-law had done to me. After that, I pushed the glass away. It didn't even matter that she wasn't there to do the same to Vera's drinks. "She and whoever she had with her totaled it with both Elijah and me still inside."
"I would have killed her too," Vera shrugged, she understood because my SUV was nice. She knew that. "So what do you want to do?"
"What can I do? I have no idea where she is, or what her next move is. She was supposed to die when I had the chance. And Elijah ruined it." I pouted as I brought my hand up and rested my chin on it. Alaric made sure someone cleaned it up before anyone could notice, and for that, I was lucky to know him.
"I have ways," She wiggled her eyebrows, and it intrigued my interest. "Go upstairs and get changed. I have a plan."
"All black?" I asked as I playfully rolled my eyes.
"Is there a better color?" She winked and went to pick up the glass I refused to touch. It wasn't going to matter whether or not my lips touched the glass, I was her sister, and she wasn't going to let great brandy go to waste.


The two of us stepped out of the house wearing nearly the same damn thing, sunglasses included. We turned our heads slowly to look at each other, which didn't last long because we started laughing.
Vera's plan was simple. Make me available for Gia to try and attack me, there was no doubt already that she followed Elijah and me to New Orleans, so all we had to do was find her. Wasn't at all impossible for us, we were lycanthropes. And besides, Vera had people to look into whatever she wanted so she was sure to have some information on Gia in the next hour or so. So we walked, and we smiled at one another, joking as we made our way to Rousseau's, the same bar I gave to Vera, it seemed she didn't do much with it on the outside, but once we were inside, the decor was completely different, and I loved everything about it.
We went straight to the bar and grabbed our glasses, and the two men who worked behind the bar, more or less setting it up because it was a little past noon, had looked at us only because they didn't know Vera had a twin sister. None of the people who worked at Rousseau's were any of the people I hired. So while we sisters, sat across from one another, I was laughing at the idea of Vera being the only female surrounded by nothing but men.
"What're they, all alpha males?" I asked as I brought my shot glass to my lips.
"Mmm," She closed her eyes and winced at how strong the bourbon was, when she brought the glass down she licked her top lip and shook her head lightly. "Not at all, they're loyal and they would do anything to protect me. They do that while I protect them."
"Sounds to me like you've got your very own pack." I shrugged my shoulder and took another sip. It was nice that she adjusted to her new life, she seemed comfortable where she was and I was happy for her, but I couldn't help but think about my own life. She was happy, so why wasn't I?
I didn't know, I was living lavishly, I was making dresses, the only thing I wanted to do, really. And then Elijah woke up and I started to fall apart. I couldn't get the man out of my system but it wasn't like I wanted to. It was like I liked getting hurt by him and that was toxic of me, I shouldn't have been thinking that way. I knew I didn't like it because I didn't like crying, and obviously, I was conflicted by my feelings so I decided I didn't want to feel anything for Elijah, that was why I numbed myself with the bourbon in my glass. When it was gone, I looked at the man behind the bar and pointed lazily at my glass, I wanted a refill. Clearly, we were supposed to be doing something else, but drinking was fine with me too.

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